ЕВРАЗ. Годовой отчет за 2021 год - часть 4


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ЕВРАЗ. Годовой отчет за 2021 год - часть 4



EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Occupational health and safety
Board of Directors (BoD)
The BoD oversees the process of identifying and managing climate-related risks and opportunities and
approves the Group’s risk appetite.
The BoD’s agenda includes matters related to climate change, such as governance, strategy, risk
management and environmental targets.
The BoD meets 10-12 times a year to review and guide strategic decisions, budgeting, investment
decisions, including climate-related issues and the Company’s progress against sustainability targets
such as emissions reduction.
Sustainability Committee
The Sustainability Committee oversees group-level policies, processes and strategies designed to
(previously HSE Committee)
manage risks and opportunities related to health, safety, the environment, socio-economic issues, the
fatal incidents
supply chain and climate change.
The committee assists the BoD in monitoring the implementation of climate-related matters and
determines the strategic actions needed to respond to particular market trends, as well as the
acceptable level of risk exposure to climate change.
It meets at least four times a year at set times or as otherwise required. Members of the Sustainability
Committee also makes a site-visits.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee oversees the Internal Audit Directorate and monitors the implementation of
climate change measures in compliance with applicable policies, plans, procedures, laws and regulations.
Safety culture and health
Performance in 2021
All accidents in the Company are subject
It supports the BoD in monitoring risk exposure against risk appetite and reviews the effectiveness of
and safety training
to a mandatory investigation. Prompt
the risk management system, as it relates to climate change.
identification of critical factors and root
Chief executive officer
EVRAZ strives to foster a safety culture among
causes of incidents helps to identify
The CEO has ultimate responsibility for risk management and ensures that the risk management system
is well organised, covering climate-related issues.
its employees. This is made possible through
systemic shortcomings and develop the
The CEO leads the process of developing a decarbonisation pathway and monitors the achievement of
ongoing occupational safety initiatives such
EVRAZ annually assesses working conditions
necessary measures to minimise dangerous
group-level climate-related targets, which are then reported to the Sustainability Committee and BoD
as the Risk Management Project and the
in its production sites. The leading indicator
factors more accurately. The Sustainability
after the CEO’s approval.
innovative Risk Hunting application. These
that reflects the effectiveness of HSE
Management Committee is responsible
Sustainability Management
The Sustainability Management Committee oversees various issues related to climate change, including
programmes aim to encourage employees to
management systems is the lost-time injury
for the implementation of such initiatives,
decarbonisation (involving the analysis of available technologies and options for their application),
take an increasing level of interest in their own
frequency rate (LTIFR).
both within the Group and in individual
specific asset-oriented measures aimed at helping enterprises to achieve emissions goals, and analysis
safety. An assessment of the Risk Management
divisions. Each initiative implemented by
of automated emissions accounting systems.
Project performed in late 2021 revealed
the Sustainability Management Committee
The committee is composed of the CEO, corporate strategy and performance management vice
president, HSE vice president, technologies development vice president, representatives of the Risk
that most business unit heads consider the
Lost-time injury frequency rate1
is regularly monitored and assessed to
Management Working Group, and in some cases heads of departments and production divisions, who
project an integral component of the HSE
determine its effectiveness.
report key findings and results to inform the committee when it takes strategic decisions.
management systems. We are pleased to see
The committee monitors Company’s sustainability performance and progress against climate-related
our employees perceive risk management
targets and reports its findings to the CEO.
tools as a part of standard daily operations.
Main types of high-consequence work-
The committee meets at least once a month.
related injuries and fatalities (including
We view this as an example of how all EVRAZ
Corporate strategy and
contractors), %
The CSPM vice president chairs the Sustainability Management Committee and is responsible for
facilities are successfully implementing
performance management
aligning its agenda with the Company’s strategy, as well as sustainability and climate goals. CSPM vice
dynamic risk assessment measures.
(CSPM) vice president
president reports to the CEO.
HSE vice president
The HSE vice president oversees health, safety and environmental issues arising in relation to physical
We empower all employees to suspend
and transitional climate risks. The HSE vice president reports to the CEO.
any operation that poses a potential risk
Technologies development
The technologies development vice president is responsible for the technology side of the carbon
for people’s health and safety. The Risk
vice president
neutrality transition. Technological development vice president reports to the CEO.
Management Project has helped to improve
EVRAZ thoroughly investigates any fatal
Energy and climate
The energy and climate management director represents the Company’s interests in the field of climate
employee satisfaction by changing the
incidents that occur at its operations and
management director
regulation and is responsible for:
management’s perception of the right to
makes every effort to prevent fatalities
-Participating in working groups under governmental bodies, industry associations, committees and
refuse unsafe work as a risk for production
among its employees and contractors.
process disruption. In 2021, we revised the
-Monitoring climate regulation and decarbonisation initiatives.
approach to motivating safe behaviour by
-Forming the Company’s position concerning climate-related issues.
modifying both the criteria and process for
Work-related employee fatalities
-Implementing decarbonisation measures, developing an energy management system and increasing
bonus payment.
the energy efficiency of production.
The director reports all findings to the Corporate strategy and performance management (CSPM) vice
During the reporting period, EVRAZ trained its
Moving, rotating equipment, mechanisms
and flying object
production personneland line managers under
Hitting by external object
the Risk Management Project. In addition,
Support for greenhouse gas inventory methodology, data collection, consolidation and reporting.
Dropped objects
management director
employees of contracting organisations
Fire or smoke exposure
Risk Management Working
began to undergo risk management training
Fall from height
The Risk Management Working Group consolidates all results and plays a key role in identifying,
assessing and monitoring climate-related risks and mitigation measures within the Group.
with the help of specially developed internal
EVRAZ employees
Traffic accident
Electric shock or arc flash
HSE function and safety
The HSE function and safety representatives at the operational level implement and control activities in
Extremal temperature exposure
representatives for all
compliance with the Company’s general strategy and the Climate Action Plan in day-to-day operations.
EVRAZ operations
They report to the division directors and management.
1. The values of the indicator have been recalculated to include contractors and are different from those presented in the Annual report 2020 and
the Sustainability report 2020.
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Climate change and GHG emissions
EVRAZ GHG emissions4, 2019-2021, million t CO2e
Decarbonisation pathway
To make our business strategy more resilient
Direct (Scope 1)
to the consequences of climate change
and identified climate-related risks, we
Consisting of:
continuously assess how our business may
improve to become more sustainable. At
Total GHG emissions
GHG emission intensity
Total energy consumption
Energy intensity
the end of 2021, our risk reassessment
demonstrated that climate-related issues
require greater attention at the Group
level due to increasing regulatory changes
million GJ
and increased stakeholder attention. By
addressing and analysing how climate
change affects our Company, we can
Indirect (Scope 2)
plan and design measures to mitigate the
Total GHG emissions
Our approach
by climate-related risks, GHG emissions
An important accomplishment for EVRAZ in
consequences of potential issues in the future.
targets and methodologies used to
reducing greenhouse gas emissions is evident
We believe that our decarbonisation pathway
The Group is fully aware of the necessity
calculate them.
in its efforts to utilise emitted methane to
shall be cost-effective. Our short-term
of taking steps to mitigate its impact on
lessen its impact on the climate. The Group
EVRAZ GHG emissions by segment
Scope 1 and 2 GHG intensity from
sustainability focus is based on substantial
Read more on pages 54-57 in the Sustainability
in 2021, million tCO2e
steel production (Steel and Steel, North
climate change and takes continuous
is implementing pilot projects on introducing
side effects yet does not compromise our
management section, on pages 58-70
America segments)6, tCO2e/tcs
measures to reduce greenhouse gas
in the Health, safety and environment section,
installations for thermal utilisation of methane
ability to create long-term value.
emissions (GHGs). EVRAZ supports both
and pages 84-96 in the Principal risks section
at the Raspadskaya Coal Company. It enables
-20% vs 2019
global and national programmes and
the transformation of methane into CO2 thus
We have started developing a
EVRAZ total
projects for combating climate change.
reducing GHG effect, since methane has a
Steel segment
decarbonisation pathway for the Group
Being a member of the World Steel
greater global warming potential and a higher
Steel, NA
that will be integrated into our daily
Association, the Russian Steel and the
GHG emissions
impact related to the increase in average
Coal segment
operations, strategic and financial planning,
UN Global Compact initiative, EVRAZ
global temperatures. If the pilot projects are
which will also help us to avoid climate-
Direct emissions (Scope 1)
prioritises decarbonisation issues. GHG
In 2021, the Group accomplished the
successful, the Group will scale them up. The
Indirect energy emissions (Scope 2)
EVRAZ steel segment (incl. NA)
related risks and meet climate targets. Read
emissions management is included in
upgrade of the CDP (Carbon Disclosure
Group evaluates the practicability of energy
EVRAZ target
more on pages 84-96 in Principal risks
the Environmental Strategy as one of
Project) climate change rating to level
generation to improve the efficiency of
section. In the next 3-4 years, our priority
the key activities and climate-related
C. EVRAZ achieved the result due to
methane using.
will be to maximise energy efficiency
risk management is integrated into the
the increase in the scope of information
This year it was decided to disclose one more intensity figure that better reflects
and develop measures that will decrease
corporate risk management system.
disclosure and the improvement in the
EVRAZ discloses data in tCO2e using IPCC
performance of the steel segment and takes into account volumes of pig iron produced by
the Group's volumes of greenhouse gas
quality of reporting, identification and
global warming potentials for its calculations.
steel mills and sold to 3rd parties.
emissions in order to provide the market
In its pursuit of decarbonisation, the Group
assessment of climate-related risks.
The methodology for calculating Scope 1
with reduced CO2 steel products.
focuses its efforts on maximising energy
and 2 GHG emissions complies with the
EVRAZ Carbon intensity of GHG emissions per t, tCO2e
efficiency, using secondary and low carbon
All emissions are calculated, however
requirements of the IPCC Guidelines for
energy, and technical re-equipment. One
targets are set on specific processes.
National greenhouse gas inventories and
crucial area is improving energy efficiency
EVRAZ intends to reduce specific Scope 1
GHG Protocol Corporate Accounting and
Scope 1 carbon intensity
and enhancing energy management. EVRAZ
and 2 GHG emissions from steelmaking2
Reporting Standard. Scope 2 GHG emissions
per tonne of crude steel and sold pig iron
has a uniform methodology for internal
operations by 20% and reach 75%-utilisation
were measured using official data of Russian
per tonne of crude steel
audits of the energy management system.
of methane (CH4) emitted while degassing
energy exchange. Evaluation of Scope 3
Energy consumption and energy efficiency
coal mines by 2030 compared to 2019.
GHG emissions is in process and will be
Scope 2 carbon intensity
management of plants and production
Our goal is to achieve the GHG intensity
performed for all relevant categories.
per tCO2e of crude steel and sold pig iron
workshops is measured for compliance
ratio of 1.553 tCO2e/tcs (tonnes of carbon
per tonne of crude steel
against criteria in special checklists
dioxide equivalent per tonne of crude steel),
In the current year, GHG emissions have
Scope 1+2 carbon intensity
developed according to ISO 50001.
which complies with the Paris Agreement
decreased by 3.1%. This was a result of lower
(PA) pledges and is calculated based
steel production at EVRAZ ZSMK, decrease
per tonne of crude steel and sold pig iron
EVRAZ follows TCFD requirements in
on the Transition Pathway Initiative (TPI)
of methane emissions at some coal mines,
per tonne of crude steel
describing risks and opportunities for
methodology for steel producers "Carbon
modernisation of equipment and the success
the short, medium, and long term;
performance assessment of steel makers: note
of the energy efficiency policy. In 2021, the
management’s role in assessing and
on methodology". To meet the goal, EVRAZ is
steel segment accounted for the largest part
managing climate related risks, where
considering promising technologies.
of GHG emissions (68% from EVRAZ' total
the Group’s strategy may be affected
GHG emissions).
Read more on page 63 in the Decarbonisation
pathway section
1. Or 96,555.5 million kWh and 6,402.8 kWh/tcs
4. Scope 1 data includes emissions in tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent from the combustion of fuel and from other sources that are owned or controlled
2. All enterprises from the steelmaking segment in North America and Russia are involved in the process of achieving this goal.
by the Company.
3. Base year (2019) results were recalculated due to the updated values of global warming potentials from the IPCC's Fifth Assessment Report and Russia's new Scope 2
5. Results of 2019 were recalculated: Change of Scope 2 EFs for Russian mills (-1.91MtCO2e), data quality improvements (+0.26 MtCO2e), GWPs update acc. to AR5
emission factors. In addition, the quality of primary data gathering in the Company has improved, which resulted in the decrease of base year GHG intensity to 1.94
tCO2e/tcs vs. previously reported 1.97 tCO2e/tcs. The goal (-20%) was recalculated accordingly and reduced to 1.55 tCO2e/tcs vs previously indicated 1.58 tCO2e/tcs.
6. Tonnes of CO2 equivalent (Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions) divided by tonnes of crude steel. Оnly steelmaking enterprises are included into the calculation.
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Some of these measures should have an
Energy, the project supports the Colorado
methodology for establishing the metric
economic effect on the Group and foster
Energy Plan, helping Xcel Energy provide 55%
is being revised. EVRAZ plans to disclose
technological advances in production:
renewable energy by 2026.
information upon this metric in future
Implementing measures to increase
energy efficiency and better utilise
We have made several upgrades of our methodology in 2021:
secondary energy resources.
Circularity of resources
Global Warming Potential values for 100-year time horizon are taken from the IPCC Fifth
Recycling secondary waste stemming from
Regulatory changes
assessment report (AR5) instead of values from the Fourth assessment report (AR4) previously used.
our own production.
EVRAZ recognises economic trends such
Scope 2 emission factors for entities in the Russian Federation are taken from the official source
Involvement in the coking charge of
as the EU's green deal climate policy and
EVRAZ is assisting in developing
of Russian energy exchange (https://www.atsenergo.ru/results/co2) which, in our opinion,
carbon-containing industrial and domestic
clear focus on resource efficiency. Such
a decarbonisation strategy for the steel
reflect more realistic energy balance of the country energy systems than previously used
developments directly address the increasing
industry in Russia by 2060. The project
factors from the baseline study report "Development of the electricity carbon emission factors
cost and scarceness of materials in the
will involve all key steel producers within
EVRAZ is developing a detailed roadmap
future, as well as the lifecycle of constituent
the Russian Steel Association.
and estimated the potential decrease
alloys within steels. The Group is working on
Improvements in data quality which cover double-counting issues and more precise data
of tCO2e/tcs intensity. Until 2030,
developing technologies and procedures to
In addition, EVRAZ interacts with government
on material flows.
decarbonisation initiatives will be mainly
prolong the lifecycle of raw materials.
bodies to develop CO2 legislations in Russia,
In the upcoming year we'll continue to improve our methodological approach in order to align it
focused on energy efficiency, technological
assist in setting up a defined system for
with best practices.
upgrade of equipment, and higher
reporting CO2 emissions in the country, and
Secondary use of carbon-containing
productivity while we continue to review
coking waste
work to develop state support measures.
the economic feasibility and decarbonisation
potential of other technologies
The Group is set to determine by end of 2022
the possibilities of involving the charge
National targets
In line with the international and local climate agenda, and as an element of the transition to a low-carbon economy, EVRAZ is
EVRAZ has already launched several
for coking carbon-containing waste
developing a roadmap with the following initiatives, as well as a preliminary decarbonisation plan for EVRAZ ZSMK and EVRAZ
initiatives in order to comply with its
and determining the potential for reducing
EVRAZ has considered Russia's national net
NTMK to be achieved by 2060.
decarbonisation goals. It has also started
the carbon footprint by replacing coal
zero target by 2060 while developing the
researching long-term possibilities. Below are
with other components.
decarbonisation pathway.
some examples of climate-related initiatives
After 2035
integrated into the business strategy. These
Processing CO2 into products.
Monitor regulatory changes and
should help the Group mitigate climate risks,
Increase the share of scrap and EAF.
Implement CCUS (Carbon capture
launch the development of a
pursue opportunities, improve resilience and
EVRAZ began identifying new products
Energy management
Examine the possibility of DRI (direct
and utilisation/storage technology.
decarbonisation strategy for the
reduced iron) usage.
stimulate innovation within its operations:
from CO2 processing, energy intensity,
Use hydrogen in the BF-BOF route
industry in consort with the state.
and DRI.
Consider using alternative energy.
and application possibilities. In addition,
All the Group's employees are involved
Energy efficiency.
Improve energy efficiency by 18%
Consider upgrading production
Practice smart carbon usage.
EVRAZ will assess the feasibility of CO2
in energy efficiency issues and practices.
by 20251.
Circularity of resources.
entrapment with subsequent disposal/
EVRAZ is constantly striving to improve
Use waste as coal and coke substitutes.
Climate-related KPI's.
Use of low-carbon energy purchased.
utilisation and transfer to the Group's
the energy management system within
Internal carbon price.
Develop renewable energy generation
steelmaking facilities from hydrocarbons
the Group. One of the goals of the Group
Sustainable Development Training
on site.
for Employees.
to methane-hydrogen fuels to reduce GHG
is to pass the certification procedures
emissions. The Group views hydrogen
for compliance with the ISO 50001
as a high-potential green energy source.
requirements at the factories, and,
Energy efficiency
accomplished this goal. In 2021, the Group
In December 2021, the Group developed
Climate-related KPIs
developed and approved a policy for the use
a schedule to implement initiatives
of energy efficient transformers for EVRAZ.
and changes for 2022-2023.
The Group is currently aligning its
The goal of the policy is to improve
Conducted a CO2 price forecast.
remuneration process with decarbonisation
activities to reduce the loss of energy
Launched the revision of the CO2 calculation methodology. The goal is to align internal
goals and targets. In 2022, we are planning to
resources. In 2021, a standard was developed
Energy efficiency measures.
methodology with best practices and future government requirements.
include climate-related and decarbonisation
containing requirements for the energy
Initiated a study of a DRI usage at EVRAZ NTMK including an analysis of vanadium extraction
Measures include increasing and capturing
KPIs for the vice presidents of EVRAZ.
efficiency of the applied technical solutions
steam generation from the dry coke
when designing production facilities.
Testworked Timir’s metallurgical iron ore (with further analysis of DRI).
quenching plant to generate electricity,
The Group is aiming to organise the process
Initiated research on carbon capture and storage technologies.
replacing an electric motor with a turbo drive
Internal carbon price
of implementing the document by designers
Researched alternative energy possibilities. At this point, preliminary research indicates that
at the Siberian Division and purchasing low-
in 2022.
using solar and wind energy at EVRAZ ZSMK and EVRAZ NTMK would not be efficient
carbon energy for the Group.
EVRAZ has set an internal carbon price
enough economically.
to be able to more accurately budget and
In 2021, the Group held many events
plan its operations within a continuously
to generate ideas in the field of improving
Electricity generation.
changing environment of climate regulation.
the energy efficiency of production, such
EVRAZ Pueblo plans to use a 240 MW solar
The carbon price will be an additional metric
as “Energy Session” and “Growth Points.
power plant as its primary energy resource.
during investment project assessments
Decarbonisation”. Also, EVRAZ provided
With 2018 as baseline year.
In partnership with Lightsource BP and Xcel
and mitigate regulatory risks. Currently, the
educational events for employees, such
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
as “Production energy efficiency” trainings
Over the past few years, EVRAZ has been
energy consumption or installed capacity
Environmental management
on energy consumption and energy
reducing total energy consumption. Sound
of equipment. The full operability
efficiency management and "Energy
energy efficiency policy brings tangible results.
of reactive power compensation devices
Transition 4.0" on the growing importance
The Group manages to consistently reduce
at Erunakovskaya-VIII mine was restored.
of climate change and environmental
energy intensity year on year. In 2021, total
sustainability issues, changing public opinion
energy consumption decreased by 1.3%.
and new government policies regarding
climate and energy.
The divisions implement different measures
to reduce energy consumption. In Urals
In 2021, EVRAZ implemented 280 energy
Division equipment was modernised
EVRAZ total energy consumption1,
reduction of total air
non-mining waste recycling
efficiency activities, and consequently,
for additional power generation by switching
and reuse rate
it managed to make energy savings
on the right flow of the left discharge duct.
in the amount of 7.8 million GJ
Also, the Group has developed digital model
and US$43 million. Those activities include
of the thermal power plant and compressor
equipment modernisation, analytics
station. The change in the specific yield
advancements and improvements
of gross coke due to baking allowed saving
of the monitoring system. In 2021, we
a large amount of money and energy. The air
Energy consumption, million GJ
provided inter-shop metering for energy
heater was replaced with an additional stage
Our approach
the rules on registration, evaluation,
and manage them through engagement
flows worth more than US$25 million
of the water economiser on the steam boiler.
authorisation and restriction of chemicals
with local stakeholders, including
and reduced unmetered inter-shop energy
One of the Group’s strategic goals is to
(REACH) for products supplied from or
regional authorities, enterprises and host
flows from 25% to 15%, which will increase
The Siberia Division increased the efficiency
ensure sustainable business activities. Our
manufactured in the European Economic
the transparency of energy consumption
of vacuum filters due to the use
Energy intensity of EVRAZ' steelmaking
approach to environmental management
Area by the Group’s assets.
operations, 2019 - 2021, GJ/t
at each stage and the ability to manage
of a dehumidifier. A notable event was also
is defined in the EVRAZ Business Strategy
To maintain a high level of environmental
energy-intensive processes.
a change in the chemical composition of cast
and HSE Policy. All of our enterprises use
When developing new projects
awareness and competence among our
iron. EVRAZ started using lump shungite
an environmental management system
and operations, we perform special
employees, we provide training on waste
The installation of a gas top pressure recovery
in blast furnace production. The content
based on the plan-do-check-act model.
environmental and social impact
management approaches, HSE practices
turbine at EVRAZ NTMK and the renovation
of MgO in blast furnace slag was lowered.
assessments that evaluate possible indirect
and other relevant topics.
of oxygen production at EVRAZ ZSMK
The Group strives to ensure compliance
and direct effects of our activities on the
were completed in 2021. This helped reduce
In the Coal division were implemented 5
with all relevant environmental
local environment and communities. We
energy intensity.
projects in installation of frequency control
requirements. We strictly comply with
also develop plans to reduce these impacts
systems and 19 projects in reduction
EVRAZ has developed an environmental strategy based on the sustainable business and environmental protection principles,
which are integrated into all stages of our value chain. The following key indicators were achieved in 2021:
GOAL (2019-30)
In 2021, the thermal power plant at EVRAZ NTMK was successfully modernised. Following the
renewal, greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere decreased by 7.5 thousand tons per
Zero wastewater discharges from steel production
63.5 million m3
year. At the same time, the plant's own electricity generation increased by 1.5% per year. A
Utilise 95% of waste from metal production and general waste
boiler installation was upgraded, two smoke pumps with reduced energy consumption were
Recycle 50% of mining waste
installed on boiler No. 9. The consumption of resources by each smoke pump reduced by
23%. This significantly facilitated the increase in their performance efficiency. In addition, the
Air emissions
Reduce total atmospheric emissions from steel production by 33%
2.9% reduction
consumption of blast furnace and coke oven gases as fuel for steam boilers increased.
Reduce dust emissions from coal mining by 1.5 times
10.8% increase due to
higher production volumes
1. The figure of total energy consumption comprises data on enterprises of the steelmaking segment (EVRAZ NTMK, EVRAZ ZSMK, EVRAZ Nikom, EVRAZ Caspian
Steel, EVRAZ Inc. NA, EVRAZ Inc. NA Canada, EVRAZ Vanady Tula) and the mining and coal segment (EVRAZ Kachkanarsky Mining-and-Processing Integrated
Works (EVRAZ KGOK), Raspadskaya Coal Company, Evrazruda).
2. The figure of energy intensity includes data on the Steel segment (EVRAZ ZSMK, EVRAZ NTMK) and Steel, North America segment (EVRAZ Portland, EVRAZ
Pueblo, EVRAZ Regina, EVRAZ Camrose, EVRAZ Calgary, and EVRAZ Red Deer).
3. EVRAZ energy intensity in kWh: 6,387 in 2021, 6,472 in 2020 and 6,805 in 2019.
4. EVRAZ does not have any production facilities in the UK, only the office. Data for UK office as well as data for offices located in Russia and North America were not
included in the graphs, since the volumes of consumed power are not material in terms of overall energy consumption within the Group.
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Lowering air emissions
EVRAZ total air emissions (including key
Balancing water supply
emissions), 2019-21, kt
EVRAZ uses best available technologies
include sulphur oxides (SOx), nitrogen
The mining and steel industries require
and regularly updates equipment to
oxides (NOx), volatile organic compounds
significant amounts of water. As a part
lower air emissions and reduce their
(VOCs) and particulate matter (dust). In
of our climate risk assessment, we have
potential impact on human health and
2021, total key air emissions fell by 2,85%
recognised that circular water use within
the environment. The primary emissions
our facilities allows us to manage physical
resulting from our business activities
risks like water scarcity, droughts and the
increasing frequency of extreme weather
In 2021, total water consumption at the
Group’s facilities was 219.99 million m3, of
which freshwater accounted for more than
90%. Total freshwater consumption for
production purposes was 199.42 million m3,
which is 6.77 million m3 less than in 2020.
EVRAZ freshwater intake for production
As part of the implementation of the Clean Air
needs, 2019-21, million m3
federal project, which forms part of the Ecology
national project in Russia, EVRAZ undertakes
significant measures to improve its gas treatment
As of the end of 2021, EVRAZ ZSMK had decreased
its total emissions by 16.9 thousand tonnes. To reduce
emissions of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and specific coke
production , EVRAZ ZSMK plans to implement the
following measures in 2021-24:
The total volume of water discharged
Constructing a modern facility for flue gas
in 2021 was 121.49 million m3, which is
desulphurisation at the sintering plant, which
3.77 million m3 less than in 2020.
will contribute to a 62% reduction in emissions
of key pollutants for Novokuznetsk by 2024.
Decommissioning the cooling tower for the final
Total water discharged, million m3
EVRAZ implements measures to mitigate water-related
cooling of coke gas at the coking plant, which
risks across its assets. In 2021, EVRAZ ZSMK completed
will reduce emissions in hazard classes 1 and 2
the first stage of the circulating water supply system
from coke production by 76%.
modernisation project.
EVRAZ NTMK is also involved in the Clean Air
The implementation of the second stage is planned for
project. The initiatives that it has implemented have
2022 and will consist of the installation of filters. The
made it possible to reduce emissions by 7.4 thousand
project is expected to be completed in 2023. As a result,
tonnes. To reduce emissions of harmful pollutants
it will be possible to end the discharge of wastewater
and address public concerns, the following measures
into Lake Uzkoe and to use treated water in production.
are planned for 2021-24:
Decommissioning the cooling tower for the final
cooling of the coke gas at the coking plant.
Constructing a new biochemical facility at the
coking plant.
Introducing new technology for pitch
production (replacing old equipment).
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Waste stewardship
Protecting biodiversity
Rehabilitating disturbed land
and landscaping
In its business activities, EVRAZ produces
We assess impacts on biological diversity
large volumes of general and metal
at all stages of our production projects and
The Group takes its obligations to restore
production waste (not related to mineral
acknowledge our responsibility to conserve
disturbed land during mining operations
extraction), as well as mining waste, such as
biodiversity in general and local species and
seriously. To achieve this, we undertake
overburden, tailings and barren rock. The
their habitats in particular. Our assets are not
environmental activities and rehabilitation
Group uses the best available practices of
located in specially protected natural areas
projects. In 2022, the plan is to assess
waste management methods in this area to
or areas of high biodiversity value.
disturbed land, update the financial model
make rational use of natural resources and
and evaluate the economic feasibility of
reduce waste generation.
The Group aims to ensure a rational and
reclaiming land.
Employees at the end of the year
Employee turnover rate
prudent approach to conserving biodiversity.
The total amount of waste and by-products
We are also actively engaging with local
generated at our enterprises in 2021
communities on biodiversity issues.
Restoring aquatic biodiversity
equalled 195.7 million tonnes, including 8.6
million of non-mining waste.
In 2022, we plan to implement several
EVRAZ regularly releases various species
measures, in accordance with the
of fish into water bodies to compensate
EVRAZ strives to increase the amount of
Biodiversity Roadmap:
for its potential impact on bioresources.
recycled and reused waste in accordance
Introduce biodiversity screening and
Our approach to conserving biodiversity
Our approach
Recruitment policy and
Breakdown of employees by age,
31 December 2021, %
with its environmental strategy. In 2021, 66.8
risk assessment procedures, as well as
involves a commitment to the maintaining
remuneration system
million tonnes of waste (including mining
develop and monitor biodiversity-related
the quality of aquatic ecosystems and
At EVRAZ, people are our key asset. As
waste) were recycled. Non-hazardous
existing biodiversity. In 2021, the Group
such, we consider it vital to provide a
mining waste is used for land restoration
took part in a programme to research
positive and healthy working environment
Recruitment policy
Identify the main directions of
and the construction of dams and roads. In
biodiversity conservation and measures
taimen fish in the Khabarovsk region.
where our employees have the opportunity
and attracting people
the 2021, 57.8 million tonnes of waste of this
to reduce risks to biodiversity.
to realise their professional potential. Our
kind were reused, accounting for 86.6% of
programmes and initiatives are based on
Our goal is to ensure that our hiring
Develop and adopt a policy/standards on
the total amount of waste reused.
biodiversity conservation.
internal principles focusing on investing in
process is consistent with the principles
people and maintaining health and safety.
of equal opportunity and is entirely non-
Through implementing the roadmap, we
All of our human resources (HR) activities
discriminatory. EVRAZ adheres to the
Mining and non-mining waste recycling
expect to obtain an assessment of the
are governed by our Supplier Code of
laws of the countries in which it operates,
and reuse rate, 2019-21, %
current impact on biodiversity, determine
Conduct, Diversity and Inclusion Policy,
including regulations governing labour
the goals on biodiversity conservation, and
Human Rights Policy and other internal
protection, minimum wage levels, annual
find ways and actions to achieve them.
paid and parental leave, and collective
bargaining agreements.
In 2021, the Group’s HR policy focused on
the following areas:
Number of employees, 31 December
Improving employee recruitment
2021, thousand people
Implementing corporate training
Making remuneration more transparent
EVRAZ considers the safety of tailings
by implementing a targeted pay system.
storage facilities (TSFs) a priority, as their
In 2021, the Group contributed to landscaping and
Implementing initiatives for attracting
use poses significant environmental risks.
and retaining employees.
biodiversity support through several measures.
The Group owns three metallurgical TSFs
Automating processes and integrating IT
located at EVRAZ ZSMK and EVRAZ KGOK.
EVRAZ KGOK planted 750,000 conifers in the forests
of Sverdlovsk region.
The dam safety management system
Regularly collecting feedback through
ensures compliance with the relevant
EVRAZ released more than 375,000 fish fry into the
various communication channels,
rivers of the Ob-Irtysh basin in Siberia.
legislation and covers all stages of TSF
including engagement survey.
service life: design, construction, operation
and closure. Safety is continually monitored,
and our TSFs are regularly reviewed by
both internal and external specialists and
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
To retain its reputation as one of the
Staff Remuneration and Motivation - the
Our managerial and operational functions
In addition, we resumed training courses
an employee engagement survey in 2021.
The Group took all of the necessary
best employers in the regions where it
document describing remuneration systems
are responsible for the implementing
for newcomers after a break related to
The share of employees who took part in
precautionary measures, such as regularly
operates, the Group participates in various
concerning the annual review.
the Human Rights Policy and report
COVID-19. Welcome training helps new
the engagement survey was 70%.
sanitising premises, workplaces and
employer contests and hackathons each
to the Board of Directors. The policy’s
employees to familiarise themselves
vehicles, and monitoring the health status
year to demonstrate social responsibility
effectiveness and efficiency is monitored
with the Group and cultivates a sense of
In addition, EVRAZ developed a site called
of employees and contractors. In addition,
and responsiveness. In addition, we have
and reviewed regularly.
Idea Factory 2.0, where employees can
in January 2021, we opened a department
numerous student programmes. In the
Human rights and diversity
report any work issues online and share
for treating employees with COVID-19 at the
reporting period, over 2495 students
EVRAZ is committed to diversity, equality
ideas about improving production processes.
Vladislav Tetyukhin Ural Clinical Treatment
completed an internship at EVRAZ, and
EVRAZ complies with international human
and inclusion. Our Diversity and Inclusion
Sustainable development
After pilot testing was conducted, the site
and Rehabilitation Centre.
some are now working at the Group.
rights laws, policies and standards. Its Human
Policy expresses zero tolerance for any
training for employees
was rolled out to all entities.
Rights Policy aligns with the United Nations
kind of discrimination. When selecting
EVRAZ makes every effort to prevent the
EVRAZ is constantly improving its employee
Guiding Principles on Business and Human
a candidate, we consider only their
At present, sustainable development training
To monitor and address any alleged
spread of the disease among employees and
recruitment processes, and in 2021 we
Rights and strictly prohibits any form of
professional skills and qualities. We believe
is implemented under the New Leaders of
violations or concerns at entities, the Group
developed and introduced the Staff
slavery (known as modern slavery), such as
that building a diverse environment is
EVRAZ (NLE) programme. In 2021, delivery
operates an anonymous 24/7 hotline.
Attraction and Recruitment Standard,
child labour and forced labour, across all
vital for driving inclusion and improving
was mostly online, and the practice was
Employees and other stakeholders can use
aimed at simplifying and stripping away the
EVRAZ subsidiaries and their suppliers. In
productivity across the business.
introduced of inviting representatives of
it to receive answers to questions, make
bureaucracy from the hiring processes.
addition, we take the process of contracting
companies that provide environmental
suggestions and report alleged violations
Interaction with trade unions
with partners seriously. The Group policies
technologies. The sessions considered issues
regarding corruption, bribery, human rights,
require sections covering the prevention
including legislative changes, environmental
alcohol or drug intoxication and so on.
The Group signs collective bargaining
Overall and voluntary employee
of corruption and human trafficking to be
Learning and development
strategy, environmental and climate risks,
agreements with trade unions with a view
turnover by segment, 2021, %
included in all contracts concluded with
and environmental technologies (gas
In 2021, we received 1197 requests through
to building long-term mutually beneficial
The Group has a multi-level system of
cleaning, water).
the hotline. The most frequent issues are
arrangements. In 2021, such agreements
HR management aimed at enhancing
related to labour relations, including the
covered 87% of the workforce and Tariff
We perform due diligence throughout the
the professional and personal skills of
quality of labour relations (879) and health
Agreements. A large proportion of workers
lifecycle of our operations and regularly
its people and fostering collaboration
and safety (165).
received benefits as members of trade unions.
Steel, North
identify actual and potential risks regarding
with universities and other educational
Employee interaction
human rights violations, including those
The process of implementing a target pay
related to recruitment and working
Listening to feedback and maintaining
system includes negotiations with trade
conditions. We are also monitored by
In 2021, EVRAZ continued its Top 300
transparent communication is vital for
COVID-19: protecting our
unions regarding all changes to collective
trade unions and representatives from
and Top 1,000 corporate management
preserving a positive working climate
bargaining agreements. In the year, all such
Russia's Presidential Council for Civil
programmes, which focus on developing
and developing the business successfully.
changes were in compliance with the law and
Society and Human Rights and other public
managerial and leadership skills and
To identify and address issues, we aim
COVID-19 remained the overriding concern
principles of social partnership. As a result,
In 2021, staff turnover increased by 2.7%
organisations with the purpose of reducing
competencies. In the year, the Top 3,000
to interact with our employees regularly
in 2021, and we undertook extensive
there were no conflicts or collective labour
compared with 2020. Despite this, EVRAZ
the risks of legal violations. In addition, we
programme was launched at our Siberia
through various communication channels,
measures to combat it. The main priority
disputes at Group facilities in Russia.
managed to achieve its recruitment targets
remedy potential risks by using grievance
and Urals divisions as an extension of
such as the corporate intranet and website,
for us was the health and wellbeing of our
in the reporting period.
mechanisms for affected stakeholders such as
existing ones. Employees in more junior
corporate publications, social networks, web
employees and contractors, and we strictly
a 24/7 hotline and two separate confidential
positions were coached by graduates of the
conferences and hotlines. For example, we
followed the recommendations of the World
whistleblowing lines in Russia, Kazakhstan
Top 300 and Top 1,000 programmes.
organised a Vaccination Awareness Day and
Health Organization throughout the year.
and North America.
Remuneration system
Diversity of employees and senior managers by gender, 2021,1 %
EVRAZ endeavours to reward its employees
Senior management
above and beyond the minimum wage
requirements. We are also continuously
improving our target pay system to ensure
clarity and transparency. In 2021, it covered
most of our enterprises except for coal
We strive to implement a set of rules and
principles for the process of remuneration
and establish fixed and variable pay
depending on the level of performance
across all Group entities. In 2021, we
introduced an annual review of the
remuneration system for each employee
specifically in terms of the target pay
system and updated the Regulation on
1. For 5 employees gender is stated as “not declared”.
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Community engagement
to help orphans and taught them crucial
providing medical equipment (five
ventilators, 20 patient monitors,
skills such as how to run a household, cook
19 functional beds, 160 thousand units of
The Group regularly engages in regional
and sew.
PPE) and X-ray diagnostic and portable
and federal conferences and initiatives,
complexes for hospitals in Nizhny Tagil.
as well as partners with and organises
numerous cultural and social activities,
EVRAZ encourages employees, their
including environmental protection and
Other new projects
families and individuals of nearby
sport projects.
communities to engage in sport as part of a
healthy lifestyle. We invest in improvements
In 2021, EVRAZ took part in various
Focusing on environment in
earmarked for social and social
awarded to winning projects of the annual “EVRAZ:
to sport infrastructure, support amateur and
regional events. These included the
infrastructure maintenance expenses
City of Friends - City of Ideas” grant contest
professional teams and sponsor federal and
sixth cross-divisional risk management
regional sport activities.
symposium for risk managers from
In 2021, EVRAZ together with Forbes,
the Urals, Siberia and Coal divisions;
launched the "Industry of the Future"
In 2021, activities under the EVRAZ for
the Minute of Techno Flame contest
initiative, showcasing our cutting-
Sports programme included:
of innovative ideas for students and
edge technologies and commitment to
supporting the seventh High-Five!
undergraduates from top universities
protecting the ecosystems in Siberia and
Our major priorities include supporting
improve their lives: for example, through
corporate race across the Urals and
in the Urals; and the 59th EVRAZ “Your
the Urals.
families in need, orphanages and veterans;
rehabilitation programmes for children
Siberia, which attracted around 2,000
Challenge” Scientific and Technical
EVRAZ aims to continuously contribute
financing educational, sport and cultural
with cerebral palsy.
adults and 700 children.
Conference, to name but a few.
to the prosperity of its local communities.
projects; and subsidising healthcare
Becoming a more valued
We stimulate economic growth in our
activities and environmental protection
In 2021, key activities supported by the
One major element of the Group’s
We also participated in the following
regions of operation by employing people
EVRAZ for Kids programme included:
contribution to local communities is the
events at the federal level:
responsibly, contributing significant tax
supporting the Live baby outreach
annual “EVRAZ: City of Friends - City of
The Innoprom 2021 international expo,
EVRAZ has risen in the rankings of
revenue and investing in social projects.
rehabilitation project in the Sverdlovsk
Ideas” grant contest. It aims to provide
which took place in Yekaterinburg in
top employers. In 2021, in a rating by
The Group maintains numerous productive
region, which organises rehabilitation
activists with the resources and skills to
July 2021.
HeadHunter, we were among Russia's top
and stable relationships, both with local
Key Projects of 2021
classes at home;
implement various meaningful social and
50 employers, while in an evaluation of
The WorldSkills Hi-Tech Championship
and federal authorities and with other
environmental projects, such as:
Russia's best employers by Forbes and
buying modern equipment for adaptive
stakeholders, including non-governmental
physical education, including the
the “Health at Home” programme, under
The RAISE RANEPA All-Russian
KPMG, we placed in the Gold category.
organisations, the media, and business
Charity and sponsorship
Stabilomer complex for children with
which elderly and disabled residents of
accelerator for social initiatives.
Notably, that rating took into account our
and cultural communities. We believe
disabilities in Nizhny Tagil;
Novokuznetsk's Central district receive
ESG policies.
The CompTech 2021 winter school.
that the success of our local communities
physiotherapy and rehabilitation at their
sponsoring the 18th All-Russian Open
The St Petersburg International
has an enormous impact on our business
The Group has several major programmes
Field Olympiad for Young Geologists,
Economic Forum.
sustainability prospects. To this end, we
that invest in local communities, including
which was held online for teams
the "Ecology of Industrial Heritage With
The Community Forum organised by
Creating a single corporate
make every effort to contribute to the
EVRAZ for Kids, EVRAZ for Cities and
from Russia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan,
Good Hands and Modern Technology"
the Russian Civic Chamber.
media ecosystem
growth and wellbeing of the cities and
EVRAZ for Sports. In addition, we promote
Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Belarus.
grant project, which volunteers will
towns where we operate, guided by the
various other initiatives, such as the
implement at the Old Demidov
The Group’s unified online and offline
fundamental principles of corporate social
EVRAZ “City of Friends - City of Ideas”
The Group’s investments have significantly
Plant eco-industrial techno-park at
media platform continued to grow in 2021.
responsibility. In 2021, EVRAZ earmarked
grant contest, as well as regular volunteer
improved urban infrastructure in the cities
Gornozavodskoy Ural in Nizhny Tagil.
The main events included:
US$35 million for social and social
activities within the EVRAZ volunteers
and towns where it operates. We have
The EVRAZ volunteers project has
Publishing “EVRAZ News” electronically,
infrastructure maintenance expenses.
supported the development of medical,
The contest has been running since
established a positive tradition of assisting
which allows employees to personalise
educational and cultural infrastructures
2017 and takes place in Novokuznetsk,
vulnerable individuals and social entities,
their information stream.
The Group’s Sponsorship and Charity
In addition, EVRAZ supports various
in our local communities, leading to a
Mezhdurechensk, Nizhny Tagil and
as well as organising sport and cultural
Updating the EVRAZ corporate app for
Policy governs all aspects of its sponsorship
federal youth programmes by
noticeable improvement in the quality of
Kachkanar, as well as Tashtagol. In 2021, 197
activities in local communities. It operates
employees by creating a new platform
and charity efforts. Guided by this, we
collaborating with academic institutions,
life there.
applications were submitted in Siberia and
and develops without any special policies
and adding functionality.
strive to support low-income or physically
purchasing essential school supplies and
165 in the Urals. A total of56 projects were
and on an entirely voluntary basis.
Launching a Group Telegram channel,
challenged individuals. All applications
sports equipment, awarding scholarships,
In 2021 activities as part of the EVRAZ for
chosen, and EVRAZ awarded certificates to
which helped to promote 2,000 official
are meticulously reviewed in terms of
providing vocational guidance for
Cities programme included:
the winners amounting to US$217 thousand.
For almost 70 years, the Group’s employees
publications, increasing coverage to
legitimacy and transparency of purpose,
students, offering training under the
Planting 300 trees in Novokuznetsk's
Notably, 104,000 people voted for the
have supported two orphanages: No. 95
around 28 million subscribers, up four-
amount requested and reputation of the
WorldSkills methodology, and organising
Zavodskoi and Central districts as
projects and 140,000 people visited the
and Island of Hope. In 2021, they continued
fold from 2020.
potential counterparty.
study sessions for students and internships
part of the region's 300th-anniversary
“City of Friends - City of Ideas” website.
for graduates. Current projects include
In addition, during the project selection
providing support to children with special
Allocating US$3.1 million for the
process, the Group’s charity funds in the
needs and those in orphanages to
construction of the Bessonenko City
Urals and Siberia take into account the
Infectious Diseases Clinic No. 8 in
EVRAZ Social Investments Guidelines.
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Policies and regulations
In 2021, EVRAZ reviewed two key documents
Anti-corruption policy,
Rules on securities dealings
to complete its full set of policies, which
EVRAZ has always considered corruption and bribery as a major obstacle
Anti-corruption Compliance System
define the norms of ethical and responsible
to economic and social development around the world. Principle 10
behaviour for employees in particular
of the UN Global Compact states that “Businesses should work against
circumstances. Updated in the previous two
corruption in all its forms, including extortion and bribery”. In following it,
years, the policies were now joined by those
EVRAZ strictly complies with the Law of the Russian Federation No. 273
on the Anti-corruption Control System
“On Preventing Corruption”, the UK Bribery Act, the US Foreign Corrupt
and charity
and business
of interest
suppliers due
Practices Act and other relevant local legal equivalents. EVRAZ considers
and on Business Gifts and Entertainment.
and criminal
consistent anti-corruption efforts an important integral part of its strategy,
These further strengthened the position
record check
sees it as a priority and pays full attention to the development of anti-
of compliance and defined roles of various
corruption compliance.
levels of management in mitigating risks
The Group has a developed system of well documented procedures
of corruption, bribery and fraud. All relevant
that define the day-to-day routines of managers appointed to monitor
policies are available on the corporate
compliance with applicable anti-corruption laws. Compliance specialists
intranet and employees bear personal
scrutinise all tender procedures, check potential and existing business
responsibility for full compliance with them.
partners, vet prospective new candidates and ensure that the principles
Determine or update list of risks for
Inform senior vice president for business
set forth in the Anti-corruption Policy, Code of Conduct and other relevant
all business processes
support and interregional relations
All anti-corruption policies and procedures
internal regulations are followed conscientiously and fully. EVRAZ has been
are integral throughout the Group. Together
making consistent effort to develop its own platform for learning, dialogue
Input from legal, internal audit
and action to combat bribery and all unethical practices. The Group
and security departments
with online training courses, they encourage
demonstrates to its employees, customers and suppliers that it has zero
all employees to seek guidance from
tolerance of bribery and corruption, including actions that impede business
Prepare comprehensive list of risks
Monitor how risks are being mitigated
compliance managers if there are questions
growth, escalate costs, undermine fair competition, pose serious legal
about the expected course of action
and reputational risks, and distort development priorities.
Risk owners
in difficult situations. EVRAZ urges everyone
Compliance team
to voice concerns about any known or
Discuss results with risk owners
Check events for signs of risk
and top managers
suspected violations.
Input from internal audit
Top managers
Today, managers responsible for monitoring
compliance with applicable anti-
Compliance officer presents
corruption laws work at every asset. They
Analyse and draft risk reports
reports to the Audit Committee
ensure that all possible non-compliance
with policies receive proper attention
Employees have access to a summary
Risk analysis
immediately; monitor charity payments
of relevant anti-corruption policies,
and hospitality spending; and act
as well as links to the full texts of top-
At the end of each calendar year,
As the Group’s business processes are
In January 2022, the compliance managers
register to the Audit Committee. It revealed
on whistleblower allegations of possible
level documents on the corporate intranet.
compliance managers analyse potential
stable and consistent from year to year,
involved in the abovementioned processes
no significant violations of anti-corruption
violations. They then present their findings
Compliance managers discuss the essence
anti-corruption risks across all assets.
compliance managers typically examine the
assessed the risks based on their own
statutes or cases of non-compliance with
and recommendations to local top
of the adopted rules and procedures
For this purpose, they consider every
same following processes for signs of risk:
statistics from checking tenders, approving
EVRAZ policies. Nor did the risk register
managers, the Group’s compliance manager
with management, employees and third
business process and redefine key risk areas
Purchases of goods and services.
contracts, monitoring purchases, conducting
change significantly from the previous year.
and specialists reporting to the vice
parties. Newcomers are obliged to familiarise
as necessary. Each area is then evaluated
inventory checks and so on. The compliance
At the same time, one particular situation,
president for compliance and asset
themselves with the Code of Conduct
to ensure that the existing controls
managers routinely meet with the managers
where compliance was actively involved,
Sales of goods, works and services.
protection. The latter reviews investigation
and the Anti-corruption Policy on their
and procedures mitigate the associated
responsible for each asset to inform them of
showed that however much attention is
Business gifts, hospitality, entertainment
results and liaises with senior management
first day of work. They are also briefed
risks effectively.
and travel expenses.
known or newly revealed risks and threats,
paid to areas prone to risk, there is always a
as necessary.
about other relevant internal documents
Charity and sponsorship.
as well as to recommend further actions.
possibility of violations.
and procedures that pertain to the Group’s
The Group investigates carefully all signals
The compliance managers then monitor
Conflicts of interests.
The Group’s compliance manager
anti-corruption efforts.
suggesting potential violations of applicable
any corrective measures undertaken to
In March 2021, the company conducted an
Interaction with government authorities.
coordinates anti-corruption compliance
law and internal anti-corruption policies.
mitigate the risks discussed. If the necessary
annual Conflict of Interest Survey in which
Vetting contractors or customers.
work on sites, develops EVRAZ’ own training
follow-up is lacking or inadequate, the
managerial and other key employees must
Contract approval.
system, maintains the corresponding risk
matter is raised to the vice president for
disclose any circumstances that may pose
register, and consistently communicates
EVRAZ knows the risks and prepares for
compliance and asset protection for action.
a possible conflict of interest. After every
progress of all ongoing efforts to the Audit
them, striving to recognise opportunities to
such survey the compliance and asset
Committee, always striving for continuous
improve business processes.
In February 2022, the Group compliance
protection team investigates any positive
manager presented the analysis along with
responses to analyse and ensure no conflict
the updated anti-corruption compliance risk
EVRAZ in figures
Corporate governance
Financial statements
Additional information
Key developments in 2021
several investigations. In 2021, there were
Today, almost 3,000 managers from
five cases of evidently fraudulent intent:
contractor and would-be partner
In 2021, the Group’s compliance function
lobbying for money and/or kickbacks.
companies passed this special course,
initiated one investigation into signs
The employees involved were dismissed.
which also became an important condition
of corrupt practices involving a state
Vendors were either banned or they
for participating in EVRAZ tenders. This
official. It was launched after it became
agreed to compensate company losses.
work will continue in 2022.
known that an employee of Raspadskaya
The compliance function considers
Coal Company LLC (“RCC”) had been
ongoing preventive efforts, various existing
The key learning objectives of all internal
allegedly offering illegal monetisable
controls, the constant tone from the top
courses remain to:
services to a state official who was serving
and employees’ adherence to the anti-
In 2021, EVRAZ R&D centres stepped up
steel scrap as a raw material, EVRAZ
EVRAZ can improve production parameters
Confirm the Group’s position and ensure
with the Russian Federal Environmental
corruption requirements as fully adequate
full compliance with applicable anti-
work to support the Group’s activities by
produces rails with a substantially lower
more quickly, thereby accelerating product
and Industrial Service. The said official
for the existing risks.
corruption laws.
utilising their global network of experts to
CO2 footprint compared with traditional
responsible for overseeing coalmines
create innovative steel products that better
steelmaking at integrated mills, as this
Explain existing controls to manage the
operations is suspected of soliciting and
In 2021, the Group continued the transition
risk of bribery and corruption.
benefit customers.
requires less steel to extend product life
Processes with a lower carbon footprint
accepting bribes from representatives of
to its own anti-corruption courses run
under harsh conditions and enhance
and accelerated deployment of product
Raise awareness about the damaging
various coal companies in the Kemerovo
from its internal Learning Management
effects of bribery and corruption.
Today, simply producing better products
material performance.
innovations contribute to greater
region. The internal investigation
System. All employees are being gradually
is not enough. To meet customer needs,
Draw attention to red flags and warnings
revealed that one RCC director-level
signed up for EVRAZ training modules to
about possible illegal payments or other
the entire product life cycle needs to be
Product development using virtual design
employee decided to establish a personal
refresh knowledge of the Anti-corruption
corrupt activities.
taken into account. For example, using the
has become increasingly important. Using
relationship with the suspect. For this, the
Policy and the Code of Conduct. The
electric arc furnace process with ferrous
data-driven AI models and digital twins,
employee, who had the necessary level
new approach is leading to the further
of responsibility, provided to the public
development of a full-scale internal training
EVRAZ R&D centres
official the use of a company vehicle and
programme on anti-corruption. In 2021,
a fuel card, both of which were paid for
over 2,200 managers throughout the
by RCC. This lasted for over two years and
Group completed online anti-corruption
amounted to a benefit of approximately
and/or ethics training. In addition,
RUB1 million (equivalent to approximately
vendors continued to learn the anti-
£10,150). RCC (and employees other than
corruption principles of EVRAZ while taking
For additional information, see the EVRAZ
the said director) had been unaware of the
a specific standalone course launched
Sustainability Report for 2021, which is to be
illegal arrangement until the Russian police
in December 2020.
published in May 2022
started an investigation into extortion and
other corrupt practices by the state official.
The RCC employee admitted his guilt and
was demoted for violating internal key
policies, but remains at RCC. He is fully
cooperating with the police and has been
questioned, but as a witness. An internal
East Metals
North America
compliance check conducted immediately
AG, Switzerland
In 2022, more relevant policies (for example, on anti-corruption training
after the situation showed that there are
and on compliance investigations) will be updated to reflect existing and
no such or similar arrangements anywhere
best practice, as well as the changes implemented within the compliance
else in EVRAZ. Managers of RCC were all
system since its launch. The policies related to the functioning of
required to take an online course on the
the Group hotline and on the rules and principles of dealing with
government officials are also set to be renewed.
Anti-corruption Policy. Vice presidents
once again held extensive discussions with
The lesson learned at RCC will now result in regular checks of how
managers in different Group companies
Group property is used. Such a practice will become a routine task of
about ethical principles and zero tolerance
compliance managers across EVRAZ.
to corruption and bribery. Together with
The Group compliance function plans to develop new training modules
compliance managers, they explained the
and tests to make anti-corruption courses more specific and relevant to
risks and the personal responsibility one
life at EVRAZ. In addition, compliance is set to extend its educational
reach and is working on a series of publications for the internal
would face should a violation of EVRAZ’
electronic newspaper. These articles will refer to various aspects of anti-
strict requirements occur.
corruption activity, provide more guidance on correct behaviour in
challenging situations and help to develop a Group-wide platform for
In addition, compliance managers’ own
learning and dialogue.
leads regarding potential fraudulent
schemes among unscrupulous managers
and suppliers/providers also led to








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