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Методические рекомендации по организации самостоятельной работы студентов 1-2 курса по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» - реферат


по дисциплине «Иностранный язык»

Методическая записка

Основной целью самостоятельной работы студентов по дисциплине «Иностранный язык» является подготовка к практическим занятиям и экзамену по дисциплине, а также, совершенствование навыков чтения текстов из научно-популярной и специальной литературы. Для самостоятельной работы студентам предлагается план самостоятельных занятий, рассчитанный на 17-22 учебные недели.

В ходе подготовки к практическим занятиям студентам рекомендуется пользоваться литературой, указанной в рабочей программе по дисциплине. При подготовке заданий приветствуется использование любой соответствующей теме литературы на родном и иностранном языках, включая Интернет.

Самостоятельную работу студентов можно разделить на несколько видов. Это подготовка к текущим домашним заданиям, самостоятельное чтение текстов по специальности, защита рефератов о выдающихся представителях своей будущей профессии, разработка и презентация творческих проектов. При работе с иноязычными текстами по специальности рекомендуется вести словарь.

При самостоятельной работе с лексико-грамматическими упражнениями студентам необходимо проанализировать изучаемое грамматическое явление и выполнить упражнения в тетради для самостоятельной работы.

График выполнения заданий

I семестр























II семестр























III семестр























IV семестр
























Test 1 .

I. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the articles.

1. Some Students are in the classroom.

2. The young men and women are students of an English college

3. The college is in London.

4. The students have their lectures in the morning and sometimes in the evening.

5. They have three lessons today.

6. The first is a lecture on physics and the third is a class in English

7. The first lecture was the most interesting.

II. Explain the usage of the articles.

Pattern: This is a note-book. It's thick and black.

The note-book is thick and black.

1. This is a pen. It's long and yellow.

2. That is a desk. It's big and old.

3. This is an apple. It's big and red

4. Those are armchairs. They're small and cosy.

5. These are magazines. They are old and interesting.

6. This is a flat. It's big and light.

7. These are pencils. They're long and sharp.

III. Insert articles where necessary.

a) 1. He is ... father already. 2. They are ... orphans. 3. This man is ... distant relative of mine. 4. This woman is ... widow. 5. They are … husband and wife. 6. They are … brother and sister 7. Is your mother at home, Alec? - No, … mother is not at home. 8. Where is your uncle, Peter? - ... uncle is at the factory.9. ... mother is ... employer and ... father is ... doctor. 10. ... aunt, what is the short for ... Richard? - It's … Dick 11. ... Petrovs, our neighbours are very nice people. They are six in ... family: … grandfather, ... grandmother, ... father, … mother, … son and ... daughter. 12. What is your cousin's profession? - My cousin is . surgeon by … profession. 13. Are ... Smirnovs in ... Far East now ? - Yes, they are. They are in ... Khabarovsk.

b) 1 . I am going to explain … new rule to you. Please, take ... notes. Look at ... blackboard Here are .examples. 2 What is ... English for "город"? ... English for "город" is "city". If this word is new to you, take ... dictionary, look up this word in ... dictionary and put down ... pronunciation and ... spelling of ... word in your note-books. Write down ... word in ... singular and in … plural. 3 . We are studying ... English. It is not easy to learn … foreign language.4 ." ... Grammar is ... art of speaking, reading, writing … English language correctly.

c) 1. Open ... book at ... page 20, please. 2. ... pupils are doing ... exercise. 3. Will you read ... paragraph 3, please? 4 . Will you write... sentence 2, please? 5. They are in ... room 6.

d) 1. I usually have ... breakfast at eight o'clock. 2. I like to have ... hot breakfast in ... rooming. 3. What do you usually have for . breakfasf? I usually have .. eggs, bread, butter and tea for breakfast. It is … very substantial breakfast, isn't it? 4. ... breakfast today is very good. 5. I like to have ... dinner at home. 6. In summer we have ... very simple dinner at home 7. ... dinner is already cold, we must warm it up. 8. I have ... supper with my friend three times … week. 9. It is pleasant to play … chess in... evening after ... good supper. 10. ... dinner is over. 11 . ... supper is ready.

IV. Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary.

a) My watch is right. I set it by ... radio-time signal. Your watch is correct, too. It is telling ... right time. ...of clock in ... living room is not right. It is three minutes slow.

b) Twelve o'clock in ... daytime is ... noon, twelve o'clock at ... night is … midnight. When it is noon in ... Hague, it is ... midnight in the region of ... Chukotsk sea. When it is 4 o'clock in ... afternoon in ... Vladivostok it is 9 o'clock in ... morning in … Moscow. When it is 5 o'clock in ... afternoon in ... London it is ... noon in ... New Jork. When it is ... day in the European part of ... Russia, it is ... night in ... United States of ... America.

c) 1. There are sixty minutes in ... hour. 2. There are sixty seconds in ... minute. 3. You must return this book in ... week. 4. It is ... quarter past eight. 5. You may take my magazines for ... month. 6. Will you give me ... hundred postcards, please?

d) 1. ... Moscow is ... capitai of ...Russia. 2. ... New York is... largest city of ... United States of America. 3. ... Hague is not ... capital of ... Holland. 4. ... Smiths live in ... Centre of London. 5. ... water in ... Black Sea is very warm in summer. 6. I buy ... Morning Star four times ... month. 7. ... Volga flows through ... Tver. 8. ... St. Petersburg University is on ... Neva Embankment. 9. ... Paris is ... capital of ... France. 10. ... French live in ... France. 11. Big Ben is ... biggest clock in ... England. 12. ... English are proud of Big Веn.

V. Translate the sentences, paying attention to the pronouns.

We have our English class here. She likes her new dress very much. Paul keeps his books in the book-case. I usually go to see my friends in the evening. They often take their children to this park. Do you help your parents? The film is interesting but I don't remember its title. Mary does her work well. Mr. Wilson is in his office.

VI. Replace the underlined words by personal pronouns.

1. John gives the book to Henry 2. Tell the students the answer 3. My sister and I have got a room of our own. 4. Alee and Mary are engineers by profession. 5. Jane buy a magazine for Granny. 6. Kate reads this story to Mary and me. 7. Tom has got no nephews or nieces. 8. His wife .is not in Leningrad now. 9. Peter brings Hewers for your mother. 10. Send the letter to your parents.

VII. Fill to the blanks with possessive pronouns.

1.I am a worker. ... name is Ivanov. 2. Ted is a schoolboy ... marks are good 3. Ann and Jane are engineers ... sons arc schoolboys. 4. Mary is very talented ... work is really excellent. 5. We are engineers. … friends are engineers too. 6. "What are ... names ?" - ".-. name is Nick and ... is Jane." 7. Journalists were upset ... time was over. 8. Peter gave me ... book because I lost ... one.

VIII. Insert the missing possessives.

1. Tell me, isn't that ... girl-friend over there? Oh, no, she isn't …. friend, she is ... . 2. Don't take this book. it is not ... book, it is ..… 3. My sister is at home. - And where is your sister? - ... is at the office. 4. Tell him not to forget ... ticket, ask Helen not to forget ... cither. 5. Take ... English magazines and give me ... 6. Look at the cat, ... cat is so thick. 7. Isn't that ... composition? Yes, it is .... 8. Don't come, ... sister is ill. 9. Don't touch ...face. 10. ... answers are good.

IX. Put the pronouns given in brackets in the form of the objective case.

1. My friend sends (I) many letters.

2. His brother knows (you) well.

3. I often see (they) in the park.

4. Don't ask (he) about it.

5. Do you know Latin? – No, I don't know ( it ) at all.

6. Sometimes we meet (she) at the Browns.

7. The teacher greets (we) every morning.

8. (you) son studies together with (she), doesn't he?

9. I have a wonderful family. I love (they) very much, and they love (I).

X. Change the following statements according to the given pattern.

Pattern: He is my friend

He is a friend of mine

1. Kate is his distant relative. 2. Her uncle is in the Far East now.

3. Let me introduce my cousin to you. 4. Their great friend is a doctor.

5. Our grandson is a first-year student at the University.

6. Is Helen your niece? 7. It is my habit to get up early.

8. It is his favourite expression. 9. He is our colleague. 10. It is her idea.


Test 2.

I. Fill in the blank spaces with self-forms.

I like to cook dinner

Pattern: I'll cook it myself

1. Let him introduce ... . 2. Helen! Do this exercise ... and let Peter and Bob do it ... too. 3. Let's translate these articles ... , they are not difficult at all.

4. Don't go out today. It is very cold. Let Kate buy a present for her friend ...

5. Children, dress ... 1 It's time to go for a walk. The weather is so beautiful.

6. Mother, let me take the books to die library … The library is just round the corner. 7. Go there ... . 8. They know it … . 9. Let me speak with the child.

10. Let her do her homework ... .

II. Insert demonstrative pronouns.

Pattern: This book is new and that one is old.

These books are new and those ones are old

1. ... article is easy and … one is difficult. 2. Pass me ... magazines. Thank you. 3. ... boy is fond of music and his dream is to become a pianist.

4. Who is ... little girl at the window? 5. These books are mine and ... are yours. 6. Are ... men over there your friends? 7. ... flowers are beautiful, aren't they? 8. Leave ... two dictionaries on my table and take ... books on the table over there to the library. 9. ... picture is framed and ... one is not. 10. ... roof is red and ... one is green.

III. Fill in the missing relative pronouns.

1. The magazine ... you have lent me is very interesting.

2. The old man … lives next door has gone to Moscow.

3. The garden ... is at the back of our house has a tennis coutt.

4. Can you remember the person ... you have borrowed the newspaper from?

5. The shop ... we buy our cakes at is shut.

6. The girl ... works in the kiosk is my sister.

7. The man ... is sitting at the desk is the secretary.

8. Where is the shop ... sells picture - postcards?

9. Shakespeare, ... is the world's greatest dramatist, was born in 1564.

IV. Translate the following sentences into Russian and explain the usage of pronouns some , any and no

1. Some children don't like to play.2. Please give me some chalk.

3. Have you got any friends here?4.I haven't got any questions.

5. I don't think we've got any time left.6. Please take any magazine you like.

7. I haven't got any cakes, but I've got some biscuits.

V. Choose the necessary pronouns.

1. Do you learn (some, any) foreign languages? 2. Has your friend got (some, any) English magazines? 3.I didn't get (some, any) letters yesterday. 4. Please take (some, any) German book you like. 5. I don't think we've got (some, any) time today to discuss this question. 6. I don't see ( some, any) mistakes in this sentence. 7. I haven't ( some, any) questions to you. 8. ... students prepare their classes here (some, any).

VI. Translate into English.

1. Я прочитал его статью на прошлой неделе. 2. Погода была хорошая и дети попросили отвести их в парк. 3. Мой ребенок очень резвый. А ваш? - Мой тоже.

4. Это задание по химии, а то по математике. 5. Эти книги мы читали, а те нет. 6. Наш отец работает на заводе, а их в институте. 7. Дети сами убрали в квартире. 8. Мы сами не хотим беспокоить его. 9. Я не вижу никаких ошибок в этом предложении. 10. Сейчас слишком поздно что-нибудь сделать. 11. Этот человек никогда ничего не боится.

VII. Do the exercise according to the pattern

a) I'm a doctor (My brother)

Pattern: My brother isn't a doctor.

b) They're schoolboys (Their friends)

Their friends aren't schoolboys

1 Peter is a student (His younger sister)

2 Mother is an engineer. (Father).

3. My uncle is a teacher (His wife)

4 We are siudents.(0ur friends)

5. Paul's sister is a surgeon (His cousin)

6 Mary's mother is a housewife. (Her aunt)

7. My grandfather is an architect. (My uncle)

8 Kitty's sisters arc actresses. (Her mother)

9. We are First-year students (Helen and John)

VIII. Give negative answers

Is your brother a student? (an engineer)

Pattern: - No, he isn't. He is an engineer.

1. Is Mary an actress? (a secretary) 2. Are you an architect (an artist). 3. Are Paul and John schoolboys? (students). 4. Is your father a singer? (a teacher) 5. Is your aunt a librarian? (a nurse). 6 Is your uncle a teacher? (an actor) 7. Are your sisters dancers? (singers)

IX. Do the exercise according to the pattern.

The children play in a large garden.

Pattern: The children have got a large garden to play.

1 She drinks from a nice little cup. 2 John keeps his book on a big shelf

3. Granny sits m a very comfortable armchair 4. They write letters on beautiful paper 5.I cook meals on a gas range.6. We listen to very good records.

7. He sleeps in a comfortable bed.

X. Give short answers.

Pattern: Have you got any sisters and brothers?

- Yes, I have

Do you often have a meal with them?

- Yes, I do

1. Have they got many English books in the original?

Do they have any difficulty in reading them?

2. Have you got a large family?

Do you always have breakfast together?

3. Have you got a water heater in your flat?

Do you have a shower every morning?

4. Has he got a good collection of books?

Does he have time to read them?

5. Have you got many flowers in the garden?

Do you often have a walk round it in the evening?

6. Has Bill got a car?

Does he sometimes have trouble with it?

7. Has your Institute got a camp at the seaside?

Do the students have a good time there in summer?


Test 3.

I. Do the exercise according to the pattern.

Pattern: I study at the University

He/she studies at the University.

1. I pass exams successfully. 2 I study at the University. 3.I do English. 4.I do grammar exercises every day. 5 I speak English well. 6.I understand you. 7.I watch TV every evening.8 I cook well.

II. Answer with 'yes'.

a) Pattern: Do you live in Rostov ?

Yes,I do

1. Do the students play tennis well? 2. Do the sisters dress so beautifully? 3. Do you often go to the theatre? 4. Do you ask John to dance? 5. Do you leave hospital in a fortnight? 6. Do you discuss this problem today? 7. Do they explain everything to us?

b) Pattern: Does a teacher leach?

Yes, he does.

1. Does a pianist play the piano? 2. Does a painter paint pictures? 3. Does a singer sing songs? 4. Does a driver drive cars? 5. Does a reader read books? 6. Does a butcher sell meat?7. Does a skier ski?

III. Ask alternative questions.

Pattern: I go there on Tuesday.(on Thursday).

Do you go there on Tuesday or on Thursday?

1.I watch the play on TV (at the theatre).

2. Nick leaves for Moscow (for London).

3. She plays the piano (the violin).

4. You prefer coffee (tea).

5. My watch is 5 minutes fast (slow)

6. Your hobby is music (painting).

7. It is warm at noon (cold).

8. You are a first-year student (an undergraduate).

IV. Form special questions.

Pattern: The Scots live in that white house (who)

Who lives in that what house?

1. They watch TV every evening (Who ... ?)

2. Students make mistakes in grammar (Who … ?)

3. We listen to the news in the evening (Who .... ?).

4. Mother generally cooks dinner in the evening (Who … ?)

5. They write letters on beautitiii paper. (Who … ?)

6. She drinks from a little cup. (Who … ?)

7. The books are on the shelf. (What … ?).

8. The loiters lie in his pocket (What … ?).

9. The Browns have dinner at five. (Who … ?)

V. Answer the following questions.

Pattern: What do singers do? They sing.

What does a teacher do? He leaches

1. What do the pianists do ?

2 What does a painter do ?

3. What do the drivers do ?

4. What does a singer do ?

5. What (toes a butcher do ?

6. What does a skier do ?

7. What does a reader do ?

VI. Form special questions.

Pattern: They prefer to go to the pictures.

Where do they prefer to go?

1. These men go to town every day. (How often?).

2. Birds fly to the south in autumn. (When..?).

3. Mary does her work quickly. (How...?).

4. He usually spends his holidays on the Black Sea coast (Where....?).

5. She travels a lot in summer. (What..?).

6. We want to catch the six o'clock train. (What train...?).

7. Mother wakes up at 7 o'clock in the morning. (When ..?).

8. We always do History on Mondays (On what days-.?)

9. I like that green hat best. (Which....?).

10. The book costs 20 dollars. (How much...?)

VII. Make disjunctive questions.

Pattern: He loves music passionately.

He loves music passionately, doesn't he?

1. Lucy writes neatly.

2. Your brother plays the piano wonderfully.

3. I play tennis badly.

4. They like to get up early.

5 I translate into English slowly.

6. The sun doesn't shine brightly.

7. Mary doesn't know English history well.

8. She has got a sister in Moscow.

9. There are a lot of people at the stadium.

10. There isn't any sugar in the sugar- basin.

VIII. Use the verbs in their proper position.

a) Pattern: I work here (often )

I often work here

1. He reads aloud (often ).

2. My friend stays at school after classes (always).

3. He sleeps in the open air ( never)

4. My friend works here (usually )

5. This girl plays in the garden ( seldom).

5. She reads in the room ( sometimes ).

7.I go to the library to work (sometimes ).

8. They rest in the garden.( hardly ever).

9.I understand my teacher of English (always)

10. She helps me with math (never).

b) Pattern: He is busy (always)

He is always busy

1. My mother is at home (seldom).

2. Nick is late (often).

3 My mother is glad to receive guests (always).

4. You are welcome to my house (always ).

5. Your pupils are lazy (sometimes).

6. My sister is wrong (frequently).

7. Cartoons are interesting films (usually).

IX. Put the questions to the underlined words.

1. Our teacher always speaks English in class

2. We sometimes have English in the evening.

3. My friend works at the Ministry of Foreign Trade.

4. We often have dictations in class.

5. They do a lot of exercises at home.

6. He discusses a lot of questions at the office.

7. His sisters work at a new factory.

8. Our English lesson usually lasts two hours.

9. He never sleeps in the open air.

10. My mother is seldom at home.

X. Give negative forms of the following sentences.

a) Pattern: He understands your question.

He doesn't understand your question.

1. He lives here.

2. The boy plays the piano.

3. He knows tills word.

4. He refuses to help us.

5. The girl works in this room.

6. John knows us.

7. She works with me.

8. He comes to see us.

The students get excellent marks

b) Pattern: The students don't get excellent marks

1. The books arrive this week.

2. The students spend many hours in the library.

3. We sometimes explain grammar to him.

4. I like this detective.

5. My sisters work much.

6. They play football in the yard.

7. My parents work at a factory.


Test 4.

I. Open the brackets.

1. He usually (to walk) home after work

2. He ( not to work ) hard at his German

3. You often (to speak ) in class?

4. Your sister often (to stay ) at the office after work ?

5. Who often (to discuss ) plans with these engineers ?

6. How well they (to know ) English ?

7. «The students (to revise ) the words at home or in class» «They (to do ) it at home.»

8. My parents (to be glad) to see you.

II. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Mы всегда рады видеть вас здесь.

2. По вторникам он обычно опаздывает.

3. Он иногда объясняет мне грамматику.

4. Студенты нашей группы часто обсуждают фильмы.

5. Он редко навещает нас

6. Я всегда жду его здесь.

7. Она редко бывает в библиотеке, обычно она работает дома.

8.Еe оценки всегда хорошие.

9. Он иногда читает немецкие журналы.

10. Я обычно вечером дома, но иногда иду заниматься в библиотеку.

III. Read the joke. Reproduce it as close t о the text as possible using the Present Indefinite Tense.

A Barking Dog Does not Bite

" Sam ", says his father," put on your cap and coat and let us go for a walk" Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says: "Father, I am ready ". Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home His father says "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb. "A barking dog does not bite7 "Oh, yes", says Sam," I know the proverb, you know the proverb but does the dog know the proverb ?"

IV. Transform the verb into the Past Indefinite Tense.

a) Pattern: My cat likes fish

My cat liked fish

1. It often snows here.

2. This seems quite easy.

3. He often listens to records.

4. He always lives in Paris.

5. We enjoy our vacations in Florida.

6. The teacher explains grammar in the class.

7.The girl likes her dog very much.

8. I play the piano rather well.

b) Pattern: Classes begin at 8 o'clock

Classes began at 8 o'clock

1.I understand the text quite well

2. He is in my room.

3. I find many good stories in this magazine

4. The students spend many hours in the library

5. He makes many mistakes in dictations.

6. I am glad to meet my friends.

7. We read a lot of books.

8 We have got many magazines.

V. Put general questions.

Pattern: The concert lasted for two hours.

Did the concert last for two hours?

1. He dried his hands carefully.

2. The students went to the club yesterday

3. They understood the text very well

4. She enjoyed the performance.

5. lie wanted to be a sailor.

6. I met my friend at the theatre

7. I told my friends the news.

8. She made a mistake.

VI. Make the sentences negative.

Pattern: In summer she watched the sunrise

In summer she didn't watch the sunrise

1. I saw Peter at the meeting.

2. The children stayed at home all the evening.

3. They spent the summer vacation in the Crimea.

4. I read this newspaper yesterday.

5. They had time to do it.

6. She sent her mother a telegram.

7. They watched TV last night.

8. Peter wanted to wait for a few minutes.

9. You left umbrella here.

10. Mr. Cook wrote newspaper reports.

VII. Put the Questions to the underlined words.

1. He was in Kiev last week.

2. My friend wrote to me very often last year .

3. They were at their office yesterday morning.

4. Our students read a lot of English books last year.

5. He took his son out on Monday evening.

6. Mr. Brown spoke to us about the plan yesterday.

7. The students usually go home after classes .

VIII. Make special questions.

Pattern: He learned English at school (where?)

Where did he learn English?

1. It rained heavily during the night (when?).

2. Ann spent her winter holidays in Kiev (where?).

3. We had supper at 8 o'clock (what time?).

4. He wrote three letters last night (how many?)

5. My sister read an interesting book yesterday (what)

6. They took a plane, because it was faster than a tram (why?)

7. I used Kate's book (whose?).

8. They stayed in Moscow only for two days (how long?)

9. They traveled by sea (how?).

10. She understood the last question (who?).

IX. Open the brackets.

1. Yesterday (to be) my day off. I usually (lo wake up ) early on my day off, but yesterday I (to get up ) at ten o'clock.

2. " When you (to have ) breakfast yesterday? I (to have ) breakfast at nine in the morning "

3. " When you last (to go ) to the theatre?” " Two weeks ago "

4. I usually (to go ) to bed at eleven o'clock. Yesterday my friends (to come ) to see me, and I (to go ) to bed at one.

5. He (to live ) in Paris for a long tune and (to know ) a lot about the city.

6. I got a package in the mail. When I (to open) it, I (to find) a surprise.

7. I (to call) Roger at nine last night, but he (to be, not) at home. He (to study) at the library.

8. Last January a child (to see) snow for the first time in his life.

X. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Когда ваш инженер вернулся в Нью-Йорк? – Он вернулся в Нью-Йорк три дня тому назад.

2. Кто уехал в Нью-Йорк на прошлой неделе? – М-р Смит.

3. Джон пошел к доске, написал предложение, прочитал его и вернулся к своему столу.

4. Какое упражнение вы делали дома вчера? – Упражнение 20.

5. Поговорите об этом с м-ром Смитом. Он вчера приехал из Лондона

6. Что вы делали на уроке вчера? – Мы читали тексты и делали упражнения, говорили по-английски с нашим преподавателем и переводили предложения с русского языка на английский.

7. Когда вы получили это письмо? – Вчера утром.


Test 5 .

I. Transform the verb into the Future Indefinite Tense.

Pattern: He works hard

He will work hard.

1. He reads a lot.

2. She works hard.

3.I am never late.

4.I have tea in the morning.

5. Mary thought about the play.

6. It rained heavily in the evening.

7. You are again on holiday.

8. They brought their friends home.

II. Make sentences negative and interrogative.

Pattern: will not – won't

shall not – shan't

1. It will snow in the morning.

2. Не will become a good engineer.

3. She will translate this article tomorrow.

4. The manager will answer your question on Saturday.

5. We shall review these rules in some days.

6. This medicine will do her good.

7. We shall return home the day after tomorrow.

8. They will move to a new flat next week.

III. Substitute "to be going to" for "shall" or "will" in the following sentences.

Pattern: I shall cook dinner

I am going to cook dinner-

1. I shall learn the poem tomorrow.

2. They will grow apples in their garden.

3. You will open the box.

4. Her father will buy her a bicycle for her birthday.

5. She will play the piano for us.

6.1 shall solve this problem tomorrow.

8. That will happen soon.

IV. Answer the following questions. Pay attention to the use of the Present Indefinite Tense in the subordinate clauses of time and condition.

Pattern: What wilt you do if he comes today? (to ask him to help me).

If he comes today, I shall ask him to help me. (I'll)

1. What will you do if you pass your exam ? (to go to the cinema ).

2. What will she do when she finishes reading the text?(to translate it)

3. What will you do if it doesn't rain? (to go the country).

4. What will you do if he feels bad ? (to send for a doctor ).

5. What will you do if you receive a letter? (to answer it).

6 What will they do when summer comes? (to go to the seaside).

7 What will the teacher do if you ask him a question? (to answer it)

V. Translate the following sentences.

1. Эта сумка тяжёлая. Я помогу тебе принести её.

2. Мне нужны деньги. - Не беспокойся, я займу тебе.

3. Что вы будете делать, если он не придёт?

4. Он сделает это, когда вернётся.

5. Холодно. Я закрою окно.

6. Мы пойдем в кино, когда закончим работу.

7. Я голодна. Я съем что-нибудь.

8. Если я увижу его снова, я узнаю его.

VI. Transform sentences into the Present Continuous Tense.

Pattern: He prepares his task every day ( now)

He is preparing his task now.

1. She often sits here ( now ).

2. My father works here ( now ).

3 My mother cooks dinner every day (now).

4. It often rains here in autumn (now )

5. The teacher answers his students questions at each lesson (at this moment).

6. He always prepares his exercises (at present).

VII. Make the sentences interrogative.

a) Pattern: They are still laughing.

Are they still laughing?

1. You are staying at that hotel.

2. She is looking at the picture.

3. My father is reading a newspaper.

4. They are reviewing their homework.

5. The boys are playing football.

6. The teacher is explaining the Passive Voice.

7. We are listening to music.

b) Pattern: The ship is coming from Odessa (where?). Where is the ship coming from?

1. I'm looking at that car (what?).

2. She is listening to the bird (what?).

3. The bus is going to Yalta (where?).

4. We are thinking about the holidays (who?).

5. The boy is laughing at the dog's tricks (what?).

6. The man is running after the train (where?).

7. He is pointing at the picture (what?).

c) Pattern: The delegation is arriving on Sunday morning.

The delegation is arriving on Sunday morning, isn't it?

1. The teacher is explaining the new rule now.

2. The students are taking exams.

3. The doctor is consulting in this room.

4. They are still working in the garden.

5. We are planning to do it.

6. Sam is writing a report.

VIII. Complete the sentences using the Present Continuous Tense.

Pattern: He never speaks, когда он работает. He never speaks while he is working

1. My younger brother always moves his lips, когда читает.

2. We always consult a dictionary, когда переводим с английского.

3. My sister always smiles, когда танцует.

4. He is always silent, когда он обедает.

5. The students always listen, когда я объясняю новый материал.

6. Never interrupt other people; когда они разговаривают.

7. My mother never disturbs me, когда я работаю.

8. My young sister likes to laugh, когда я играю с ней.

IX. Translate into English.

Что сейчас делают ваши родственники? - А который сейчас час? -Семь часов. - Мой папа сейчас ведёт урок в вечерней школе, он учитель. Мама дома. Она готовит ужин и ждёт меня. Моя сестра помогает ей. Бабушка шьет сестре маскарадное платье (a fancy dress). Дедушка гуляет в саду с моей маленькой племянницей. Мой младший брат готовит уроки. Тётя с дядей в университете. У нас сейчас урок английского языка. Вот и всё, что я могу рассказать.

X. Use the correct tense.

1. "Who usually (to do) his homework in this room?" "This student (to do)".

2. "Who (to do) his homework there now ?" "I (not to know). 3.1 (to live) near my office last year. I always (to walk) there .

4. "How well your friend (to speak) English? "He (to speak) English badly.

5. "What language you ( to learn) five years ago ?" "I (to learn) French.

6. "What language he (to learn) now ?" He (to learn) German".

7. "How long your class usually (to last)?. It usually (to last) two hours".

8. "How long your class (to last) on Wednesday morning ?" "It only . (to last) an hour.

9. "Who you (to discuss) this question with last night ?" "J (to discuss) it with my friends."

10. "Who you usually (to go) home with ?" "I (to go ) home with my friends."

11." How well he usually (to know ) his lessons ?"

12.I ( not to work ) at this office three years ago.

13. You (to work) there now ?

14. "How long you (to stay) in Kiev last year?" "I ( to stay) there a month." "How long you (to be going) to stay there this year ?"

"1 (to be going ) to stay there a month, too"


Test 6.

I. Make the following sentences interrogative.

Pattern: I was sitting here, when he came.

Were you sitting here, when he came?

1. They were having dinner at half past two yesterday.

2. She was burring to the theatre when 1 met her yesterday.

3. His daughter was washing her dress when the door-bell rang.

4. They were discussing their plans at 4 p.m. yesterday.

5. Her son was painting a picture when she came home.

6. He was looking through the newspaper when he saw this advertisement.

II. Put the question to the underlined words.

1. My son was having breakfast at this time yesterday.

2. He was painting this picture at 3 p.m. yesterday.

3. The boys were playing chess when we came in.

4. She was speaking about Russian customs when they knocked at the door .

5. My father was smoking when I entered the room.

III. Make disjunctive questions.

Pattern: He was smoking.

He was smoking, wasn't he?

1. You were going to tell him about it.

2. He was writing a novel during this summer.

3. We were reviewing grammar all day yesterday.

4. They were not waiting for the manager.

5. The teacher was explaining the rule.

6. Mother was cooking dinner.

7. Your parents were not speaking to you.

IV. Translate the following sentences.

1. Несколько студентов опоздали, так как играли в футбол во дворе.

2. С 4 до 5 утра вчера шёл дождь.

3. Он читал книгу, когда я пришел.

4. Я читал эту книгу в прошлом году.

5. Я звонила ему вчера, но его не оказалось дома.

6. Он смотрел телевизор, когда зазвонил телефон.

7. Когда она играла с детьми, ее брат . поливал цветы.

8. Она писала, когда кто-то постучал в дверь.

9. Я ждал своего друга, когда зазвонил звонок.

10. Мы повторяли грамматику, когда зашел декан.

11. Мы обедали, когда зазвонил телефон.

12. Мой браг переводил доклад целый день.

V. Read the following stories and retell them, using Past Continuous where necessary.

He was Practicing Too

А hunter was on his way back to a camp when a big lion suddenly appeared not thirty steps away. The hunter wailed until the lion w ;is ready to jump, fired and missed. He thought that he was lost but then a miracle happened. The lion jumped too far, and landed behind the hunter, who quickly ran into the camp. The next afternoon the hunter went into the yard to practice shooting. Suddenly he heard a strange noise outside the fence. He looked over and saw the lion who was practicing short jumps.

He is Helping

A master of a ship called down into the hold : "Who is there ?"

"William, sir," was the answer.

"What are you doing ?" – "Nothing, sir"

"Is Tom there ?" "Yes", was the answer.

"What is he doing?"

"He is helping me, sir."

VI. Give interrogative forms.

Pattern: He will be dancing at 7 p.m. tomorrow.

Will he be dancing at 7 p.m. tomorrow ?

1.I’ll be working at my French at 12 o'clock tomorrow.

2. She'll be making a report at this time tomorrow.

3. We'll be watching TV tonight.

4. You'll be waiting for me at 3 p.m. tomorrow.

5. My sister will be explaining this rule to me when you come.

6. She will be playing the piano at 9 p.m. tomorrow.

7. He will be working in the lab at the usual time tomorrow.

8. I shall be seeing her tomorrow.

9. She will be leaving for Kiev soon.

VII. Give negative forms.

Pattern: They will be taking a French lesson at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

They won't be taking a French lesson at 5 p.m. tomorrow.

1. They will be learning next week.

2. We shall be watching TV when you come.

3. I shall be playing the piano at this time tomorrow.

4. They will be playing hockey at 5 o'clock tomorrow.

5. You will be writing a dictation at 2 o'clock tomorrow.

6. I shall be speaking over the phone when you come to me.

VIII. Translate into English.

1. Что вы будете делать, когда он придёт?

2. Она всё ещё будет читать, когда вы придете.

3. Я буду играть на пианино весь вечер.

4. Как долго вы пробудете у вашей тёти?

5. Вы будете делать доклад в это время завтра.

6. Завтра в это время мы будем провожать его на вокзал.

7. Вы всё ещё будете смотреть телевизор, когда я вам позвоню?

8. Мы не будем смотреть телевизор завтра.

9. Завтра мы будем работать в лаборатории как обычно.

IX. Change the following sentences into the Present Perfect Tense.

Pattern: I read the book

I have read the book.

(I've read this book).

1. He saw tins film

2. She wrote a new book.

3.11c answered my question.

4. Mr.Smith spoke to me about it.

5. I heard about the play.

6. She made two mistakes in her dictation.

7. They went to the theatre tonight.

8. We read a play by Shakespeare.

9. You left your book at home.

10. John have us the tickets.

X. Transform the sentences into general questions.

Pattern: Jane has seen this film. (Jane's seen this film)

Has Jane seen this film?

1. Mother has told me to answer the letter.

2. I've enjoyed the performance.

3. This painter has lived in Paris for a long time.

4. Granny has prepared the dinner.

5. He's written a letter to his parents.

6. They've seen this film.

7. You've written this exercise.

8. She's finished her work.

9. You've received some letters from him this week.


Test 7.

I. Give negative answers.

Pattern: Has mother told you to answer this question?

No, she hasn't.

1. Have you enjoyed the performance? 2. Has this painter lived in Paris for a long time? 3. Has granny prepared the dinner? 4. Has he written a letter to his parents? 5. Have they seen this film? 6. Has the manager signed this document? 7. Have you written the exercise?

II. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. They've never been to any foreign countries.

2. We've already seen this new film.

3. His friend has translated two English books into Russian.

4.They've never lived here.

5. They've sent us several telegrams lately.

III. Use Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. "You (to see) the new picture by Picasso ?" "Yes" "How you (to like ) it ?" "I like it very much." 2. "You ever (to be ) to Leningrad ?" "Yes, I (to go) there last winter."3. "Is Father at home ?" "No, he not to come ) yet."4. I just (to finish) work and (to read) a book now. 5. "Where is you son ?" "He ( not to come ) home from school yet." I think he still (to play ) football." 6. "When your children (to come ) back to town ?" "They (not to come) back. yet." 7. You (to do ) the translation already ? You only (to begin ) it 20 minutes ago. 8. "You (to finish) the work yet ? Can I have a look at it ?" "Certainly .'1 (to finish) it an hour ago." 9. "I just (to have) breakfast, and (to read) the paper." I (to answer). ' You (to get up) so late?" he (to say ) and (to ask) me to come to his place at once. 10. When you (to come) to Moscow?" "A week ago."

IV . Translate into English .

1. Вы написали письмо своему другу? 2. Отдыхали ли вы когда-нибудь весной?

3. Мы езде не видели картин этого художника. 4. Я уже видела этот фильм.

5. Что-то случилось с этим мальчиком? 6. Что вы приготовили на сегодня?

7. На какие вопросы вы уже ответили? 8. Они решили много важных проблем.

9. У нас было много трудностей, но мы преодолели их.

10. Мы уже перевели этот текст.

V. Translate the sentences according to the time signal.

1. Я написал письмо (today ) ( yesterday ).

2. Я видел его (last month) (just).

3. Вы проделали большую работу (this week, last week).

4. Ваш друг был в Лондоне (this year, last year).

5. Были ли вы в Париже?(this month, last month).

VI. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1.He’d already consulted the doctor by that time. 2. You'd called on my people before I asked you to. 3. By that time you had already written the letter. 4. We'd repeated everything by the first of May. 5. I big crowd had gathered by that time.

VII. Change the sentences according to the pattern.

Pattern: Mary learned French. She came to France. Mary had learned French before she came to France.

1. She studied Spanish. She came to Madrid.

2. We got to the theatre. The performance began.

3. We got home. It began to rain.

4. We finished our homework. We switched on the TV.

5. We discussed the film. My brother came home.

6. I translated the article. There came a knock at the door.

7.1 finished my work. You asked me about it.

VIII. Use Past Simple or Past Perfect.

1.I (to translate) two pages yesterday. 2. By the end of the week they (to translate) the first part of the book. 3. When they (to enter) the theatre the play ( to begin). 4. Though he (to learn) the language only for a year he (to show) good knowledge. 5. When you (to receive ) a letter from her last ? 6. When I (to phone) them they ( not to be) ready yet. 7. We (to find ) nobody in the house when we (to come ) but we (lo have) a feeling that somebody (to be) there before. 8. When John (to come) home the family (to have) their dinner, so he (to go ) to the kitchen and (to make ) himself a cup of tea.

9. The lady (to open) the door only after I (to tell) her who I (to be) and what I (to want). 10. He (to live) in Paris for a long time and ( to know) a lot about the city.

IX. Use Present Perfect or Past Perfect.

1. She (to learn) English for five years before entering the institute.

2. You (to learn) English before ?

3.1 (not to read) any books by this author.

4. What a pleasure it was to see him again. We (not to meet) since childhood.

5. What (to happen) ? You look pale.

6. How long they (to be) engaged before they married?

7. We (to write) two compositions this month.

8. Try not to be absent from class. You.(to miss) too many classes, .

9. The police (to look) for the criminal for two years before they caught-him.

X. Translate into English.

1. Мы уже закончили свою работу, когда пришёл мой отец. 2. Так как я пропустил лекцию, я попросил его объяснить мне это правило. 3. Она выучила стихотворе-ние к трём часам. 4. Мы не перевели статью к пяти часам. 5. Дети ещё не легли спать, когда пришли родители. 6. Не успел он приехать, как получил письмо. 7. Я вспомнил номер телефона, когда вышел из дома.


Test 8.

I. Explain the usage of the Future Perfect Tense. Translate into Russian.

1. I'll have read the book by this time tomorrow.

2. She'll have given the final answer before he returns.

3. We shall have left Moscow by 5 o'clock tomorrow.

4.1 shall have returned the book to the library by 2 p.m. tomorrow.

5. By the end of this term we shall have learnt many new words.

6. If you come at 3 o'clock I shall have copied this articles.

7. You'll have translated this article by 5 o'clock.

II. Translate the following sentences.

1. Диана не может подойти к телефону, потому что она моет голову. 2. Я не хочу идти в зоопарк сегодня, потому что идёт дождь. То же было вчера. Я не хотел идти в зоопарк, потомy что шёл дождь. 3. Сколько занятий вы пропустили с начала семестра? 4. Я позвоню вам после того, как получу письмо. 5. Я почувствовала себя лучше после того, как я приняла лекарство. 6. Вы переведёте все предложения, прежде чем прозвонит звонок. 7. К тому времени, когда вы приедете, она даст окончательный ответ. 8. Джек вдруг осознал, что учитель задаёт ему вопрос. Но он не мог ответить, потому что не слушал. 9. Я ещё не написала ей письмо, но я напишу до его прихода.

III. Make the following sentences interrogative.

Pattern: He can finish the work today

Can he finish the work today?

1. My brother can speak English.

2. She can do everything you do.

3 We can hear her singing in the next room.

4. The travelers can see the house behind the trees.

5. Mary can wear her mother's shoes.

6. You can reach the station in half an hour.

7. The teacher can show us how to do it.

8. We can get this book at the library.

9. Nobody can help us.

IV. Make the following sentences negative.

Pattern: He can translate it himself.

He can't translate it himself.

1. We can understand German. 2.I can imagine her teaching children.

3. The students can be there by five. 4. Helen can hear the speaker.

5. He can do me a favour. 6. He can write to me.

V. Use the sentences in the past.

Pattern: Can – could

Can't – couldn't

1. She can translate these English texts. 2.I can't finish the work in time. 3. The teacher can't give you this book. 4. Can you see this picture at the exhibition? 5. Nobody can do it better. 6. I can't believe my eyes. 7. They can easily get to the University in half an hour. 8. We can watch them playing football. 9.I cannot understand what it means.

VI. Refer the sentences to the future.

Pattern: I can play the piano very well.

I’ll be able to play the piano very well.

1. Everybody can do this work. 2. He can write to me. 3. We can see the performance to-night. 4.I can't buy this book. I haven't got enough money about me.5. Who of your students can take part in the concert?6. Can you go to the South in the summer?7.I am sure he can make a good report. 8. When can they go somewhere for a holiday?

VII. Add question-tags to the following sentences.

1. I can help you. 2. She can read French. 3. If necessary, my brother could speak English. 4. She could play tennis in her youth. 5. Now they can hear us. 6. S couldn't see this picture last year. 7. Your sister can't speak English. 8. You couldn't change the time of the meeting.

VIII. Translate into Russian.

Pattern: a) Can it be true?

Неужели это правда?

b) I can't have lost the ticket.

He может быть, чтобы я потерял билет.

1.Can it be Peter? 2. Can he know English well? 3. He can't have read this book in two days. 4. They can't have arrived. I received the telegram only yesterday. 5. Can she have deceived me? I can't believe it. 6. Can she still be speaking to the dean? 7. She can't have left the letter unanswered.

IX. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Вы можете помочь мне? 2. Чем я могу быть вам полезен? 3. Вы сможете принять участие в предстоящих соревнованиях? 4. Я знал, что он сможет сделать эту работу. 5. Я не смог пойти домой, т.к. шёл дождь. 6. Кто из ваших студентов сможет работать переводчиком? 7. Он не мог пригласить так много людей. 8. Один из моих друзей может играть в шахматы. 9. Моя сестра умела говорить по-английски еще когда была ребенком.10. Они ничего не могут обещать.

XI. Make sentences asking permission.

Pattern: (to go out?)

May I go out?

1. To come in. 2. To pour out the tea. 3. To go with us. 4. To have a cigarette.

5. To have another helping. 6. To ask you to do me a favour.


Test 9.

I. Change the following sentences to express prohibition.

Pattern: You may go out now.

You mustn't go out now.

1. You may smoke here. 2. He may see his sister now. 3. She may switch on the radio. 4. He may look through his composition. 5. Children may see the film. 6. He may come in.

II. Use "to be allowed to" instead of "may".

Pattern: He may be present at the lesson.

He is allowed to be present at the lesson.

1. He may be present at lesson.

2. We may have our meeting in this room.

3. I may see a sister.

4. He may leave the office half an hour earlier today.

5. We may pick the fruit off that tree.

6. I may point out the finest pictures to you.

7. They may stay here.

III. Translate the second part of each sentence.

Pattern : He said что мы можем идти.

He said that we might go.

1. The teacher said что мы можем перевести этот текст завтра.

2. My father said что мне можно читать эту книгу.

3.He said что мальчик может поговорит с ними.

4.Helen asked можно ли ей повидать их сегодня.

5.1 asked the teacher можно ли мне войти.

6.He knew что ему можно принять участие в экскурсии.

IV. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.

1. He must go there at once. 2. You must wait for them. 3. You must read this book.

4. They must prepare their lessons now 5. We must let him know about it.

6.I must help them.

V. Refer the following sentences to the past, using "to have to".

Pattern : He must do it today.

He had to do it yesterday.

1. He must learn all the new words from the text. 2. They must translate the article

3. Must he spend the summer here? 4. Must you speak to him? 5. He mustn't go anywhere.6. Must they visit him? 7. We mustn’t break the news to Eliza

VI. Refer the sentences to the past, using the verb "to be to".

Pattern: He must be there at 5 o'clock. ;

He was to be there at 5 o'clock.

1. You must learn the poem by Monday. 2 He must wait for me near the metro station.

3. They must visit him. He is ill. 4. The students must come to the meeting. 5. We must take the children to the station. 6. Must we show the place to her? 7. Who must make the report? 8. Now look here. I must be off.

VII. Refer the following sentences to the future.

1. He must send them a telegram. 2.1 must go shopping.3. It looks like rain. He must put on a raincoat. 4.1 don't think they must leave the question open. 5. Must we leave it to him? 6.1 am sorry but I must get rid of it.

VIII. Translate into English .

1. Вы должны пойти в библиотеку сейчас. 2. В этом семестре студенты должны прочесть 300 страниц в оригинале. 3. Вы должны поторопиться. 4. Шёл дождь, и ей пришлось взять зонтик. 5. Секретарь сказала, что группа должна быть в зале в 2 часа. 6. Доклад должен быть тщательно подготовлен. 7. Ребёнок не должен никуда идти. 8. Я думаю, они должны оставить вопрос открытым.

IX. Change the sentences into the Present Simple Passive.

a) Pattern: People always admire such pictures

Such pictures are always admired.

1. Mary helps mother. 2. The teacher answers questions. 3. One uses milk for making butter and cheese. 4. One praises a student when he works hard. 5. Tom opens the door. 6. We translate the text into English.

b) Pattern: The students write the dictation.

The dictation is written by the students.

1. People speak English all over the world. 2. They make progress every day in the world of science. 3. They sell apples by the kilo. 4. She takes her little daughter to the kindergarten every day. 5. They speak English in Great Britain. 6. The grocer sells eggs. 7. The students lake no mistakes in their dictations.

X. Answer the questions using the words suggested.

Pattern: Where are all these magazines sent to? (abroad)

They are sent abroad.

1. Where 's English spoken, (all over the world). 2. When is radio news listened to in your family? (every night). 3. Where are Oriental languages taught? (at the University). 4. Where are meals cooked? (in the kitchen). 5. When arc exams taken? (at the end of each term). 6. When is television watched by children? (during the children's hour). 7. Where is milk kept cool in summer (in the fridge). 8. Where are books sold? (at the bookstalls).


Test 10.

I. Answer the questions using a passive construction.

Pattern: Is this a brick house?

Yes, this house is made of bricks.

1. Is this a gold ring? 2. Are these silver spoons? 3. Is this a leather belt? 4. Are these silk ties? 5. Are these nylon shirts? 6. Is this a crystal vase? 7. Are these fur caps?

II. Put the sentences into the Past Indefinite Passive.

Pattern: They built this bridge last year.

This bridge was built test year.

1. He hurt his leg in an accident.

2.I left the spade in the garden.

3. They gave a party in his honour.

4. Somebody left the light for the whole night.

5. She washed the floor only tills morning.

6. They sent letters of thanks to all their friends.

7. We ate up all the cakes yesterday.

8. People formerly used the Tower of London as a prison,

III. Answer the questions according to the given pattern.

Pattern: Did you send for the doctor yesterday?

Yes, he was sent for.

1. Did they look into the matter? 2. Did they lose sight of the boat? 3. Did he turn down your offer? 4. Did they lake care of little Tom? 5. Did he speak about the trip last night? 6. Did they make fun other? 7. Did they arrive at a definite conclusion? 8. Did he rely on this information? 9. Did she laugh at him?

IV. Change into the Passive Voice. Use" by" where appropriate.

Pattern: Beethoven composed this piece.

This piece was composed by Beethoven.

1. Keats wrote this poem. 2. A car ran over their dog. 3. They did nothing until he came. 4. The orchestra played that piece beautifully. 5. The fire destroyed many valuable paintings. 6. Lions attacked the travelers. 7. Did the noise frighten you?

8. Her beauty struck me deeply.

V. Put the sentences into the Future Simple Passive.

Pattern: Tins news will hurt him badly.

He will be badly hurt by this news.

1. Ben will look after the dog well. 2. They will hold a dance in the village. 3. Ann will teach Richard to dance. 4. We shall make the room comfortable for you. 5.I shall serve both tea and coffee. 6. People will enjoy this film all over the world. 7. Someone will meet the visitors at the station.

VI. Answer the questions using the given suggestions.

Pattern: When will the new play be staged? (next month)

It will be staged next month.

1. When will the lecture on Byron be read? (next Monday)

2. When will the birthday cake be baked? (tomorrow)

3. When will the dinner be cooked? (in the morning)

4. When will the mail be brought? (soon)

5. Where will he be sent to? (to Moscow)

6. Where will the parcel be brought? (to the office)

VII. Give Russian equivalents to the following proverbs.

1. What is done cannot be undone. 2. A tree is known by its fruit.

3. Rome was not built in a day.

VIII. Give passive forms of the following sentences using the tense according to the time signal.

1. They sent for the doctor in the evening. (tomorrow morning)

2. The teacher will explain this rule tomorrow. (yesterday)

3. They publish many books in Moscow annually. (next year)

4. They will build the bridge next year. (two years ago)

5. We translated many similar articles last term. (next term)

6. They published very interesting articles in this magazine. (regularly)

7. The president of the committee will sign the agreement. (yesterday)

8. The student makes many mistakes in his answers (at the last lesson).

IX. Translate the following questions into English.

1. Когда ответят на письмо? 2. Кто послал за доктором? З. Что ей обещали?

4. Ведь ее приглашали в театр? 5. Когда за ними пошлют? 6. Эта книга продаётся только здесь или везде? 7. Когда будет достигнуто соглашение?

XI. Translate the following sentences. Use the proper tense and voice.

1. В санаториях дети окружены заботой.

2. Мне больше ничего не сказали, мне только показали эту статью.

3. Если не пошлют за такси, мы опоздаем на поезд.

4. Через месяц ему предложат какую-нибудь интересную работу.

5. Студентам нашей группы предложили читать английские книги в оригинале.

6. На митинге будут присутствовать многие делегации.

7. Это событие комментируется в сегодняшних газетах.


Test 11.

I. Retell the story using the proper tense and voice.

The Sympathetic Landlord

A big fat man called at the rectory, and when the door was opened, asked to sec the rector's wife, a woman well known for her charity.

"Madam", he said in a sad voice. "I wish to draw your attention to a poor family in our street. The father is dead, the mother is too ill to work, and the nine children are starving. They will be turned into the street unless somebody , pays their rent for them. It's about ten or twelve pounds."

"How terrible" exclaimed the woman. " " May I ask who you are?" The sympathetic visitor put his handkerchief to his eyes. "I'm the landlord", he sobbed.

II. Translate the following sentences. Transform them into general and disjunctive questions.

Pattern: A new library is being built in our district.

Is a new library being built in our district?

A new library is being built in our district, isn't it?

1. Tom is being examined now.

2. The letter was being written, when she entered the room.

3. This article is being translated now.

4. The doctor was being sent for when our mother returned.

5. They arc being shown a new film now.

6. An interesting report is being made now.

7. Your friend was being asked by the teacher when the bell rang..

III. Transform the following sentences into the Passive Voice.

a) Pattern: She is teaching my daughter French now.

My daughter is being taught French now.

1. She is typing the letter at the moment.

2. Father is repairing the TV - set.

3. The professor is examining my friend now.

4. My mother is cooking dinner now.

5. We are discussing these questions now.

b) Pattern: My brother was repairing the radio-set in the evening.

The radio-set wax being repaired in the evening.

1. He was making a report at 7 p. m. yesterday.

2. We were discussing a new film at the lesson yesterday.

3.I was translating the article when somebody knocked at the door.

4. They were still building these houses when I arrived.

c) Pattern : We shall be considering these problems this time tomorrow.

These problems will be considered this time tomorrow.

1. He will be delivering a lecture at 2 o'clock tomorrow.

2. You will be translating these sentences at the lesson tomorrow.

3. I'll be explaining this rule for 10 minutes more.

4. Me will be answering your questions in an hour.

5. The doctor will be examining the patients from 10 to 12 tomorrow.

IV. Translate into English using the Passive Voice.

1. He входите в аудиторию. Там экзаменуют студента. 2. Завтра в это время вас спросят. 3. Когда я зашел в зал, моим одноклассникам показывали новый фильм. 4. Эти статьи переписывают сейчас. 5. Эти вопросы сейчас обсуждаются на собрании. 6. Завтра на первом уроке нам будут объяснять новое правило.

V. Reproduce the dialogue with your fellow-student.

A college freshman was being severely criticized by his professor. "Your last paper was very difficult to read" said the professor. "Your work should be So written that even the most ignorant will be able to understand it."

"Yes, sir", - said the student." What part didn't you get?"

VI. Change the sentences into the Present Perfect Passive.

Pattern: Someone has broken my pen.

My pen has been broken.

1. Your friends have invited you to dinner tomorrow.

2. Someone has spilt some wine on the table - cloth.

3. Somebody has already boiled water.

4. Have you done all the washing?

5. Someone has already paid the typist for her work.

6. They have made my nephew the captain of the team.

7. Somebody has fried the meat very well.

8. Nobody has made any mistakes in that work.

9. They have brought up their children very well.

10. Somebody has left the window open.

VII. Answer the questions in the Present Perfect Passive, using the given suggestions.

Pattern: Is that road still narrow? (widen)

No, it has been widened.

1. Is this bicycle still, broken? (repair)

2. Are her rooms still in a mess? (tidy up)

3. Is the wireless still on? (switch off)

4. Is the child still playing? (put to bed)

5. Are the windows still open? (close)

6. Is his marriage still a secret? (announce)

7. Are the chocolates still in the box? (eat up)

8. Is the door still unlocked? (lock)

VIII. Change the sentences into the Past Perfect Passive.

Pattern : They had finished the work by the evening.

The work had been finished by the evening.

1. The students had teamed much by the end of the term.

2. She had promised to give me the bock before it appeared on sale,

3. Someone else had asked for the lawyer just before you came here.

4. Nobody had lain on the bed.

5. They had staged four Shakespeare's plays by the end of the last year.

6. We didn't know that he had lost all the photos

IX. Change the sentences into the Future Perfect Passive.

Pattern: The typist will have typed the documents by the time I come.

The documents will have been typed by the time I come.

1. My brother will have sent for the doctor by that time.

2. My mother will have cooked dinner by the rime you return.

3. I shall have written the letter by the time you ring me up.

4. She will have translated this article by tomorrow morning.

5. I shall have rewritten this text by the noon tomorrow.

X. Use the preposition by or with.

1. The sky is covered ... clouds.

2. The children were covered ... a blanket... his mother.

3. This note is written... a very bad pen, that's why you can't read in.

4. Can you open the door of у our flat... this key?

5. A lot of damage was done ... the storm.

6. The dog was killed... the car.

7. The new school building will be surrounded ... a garden.

8. This room is heated... a stove.


Test 12.

I. Choose the correct alternative .

1. He lives not far from us but we (not/see) him often.

A. not see

B. doesn't see

C. don't see

2. What's the matter? You (look) so excited!

A. look

B. looks

C. are looking

3. … Pete … any beer in the fridge?

A. Does Pete have

B. Do Pete has

C. Have Pete got

4. Will you try find out what time (the plane/arrive) at the airport?

A. does the plane arrive

B. the plane arrives

C. arrives the plane

D. did the plane arrive

5. I've got no idea where …

A. it is

B. is it

C. does it

II. Fill the gaps in the following sentences with a, an, the , or (-) when no article needed.

1. … Jack London is … well-known American writer.

2. Why do you think … Japanese are so hardworking?

3. They tell me that … honesty is the best policy.

4. Watch out! There's … policeman coming.

5. She said that … carrots were her favourite vegetables.

6. We went sailing on … lake Windermere at the weekend.

7. I bought … new TV and … stereo. … TV costs $250 and … stereo costs 170$.

III. Rewrite these sentences with some, any or no instead of the. Use there is , there are.

1. The books are on the shelf.

2. Are the students in the classroom?

3. Is the tea in the teapot?

4. The children are not in the yard.

5. Are the plates in that cupboard?

IV. In the following text the is missing ten times and a/an missing twice. Insert them in the correct places.

Dead Sea, which lies between Jordan and Israel, is lowest lake in world. It is about 397 meters below sea level and it contains saltiest water in world. This is because several rivers carrying minerals (including salt) flow into lake but minerals remain behind. Salt makes it easy for swimmers to float - you can even read book while floating on your back. In fact, lake contains six time more salt than ordinary sea water so swimmer's body is six time more buoyant than usual.

V. Fill in the blank with too, either, so, neither.

1. My sister can't swim well. My brother can't swim …

2. I didn't enjoy the film last night. … did he.

3. I'd like to go swimming now . … would my friend.

4. We were tired. … were they.

5. I never visit him. … do we.

VI. Choose the best response for each opinion.

1. I think smoking should be made illegal.

a) No it isn't

b) Oh, come on!

c) Yes, I disagree

2. I don't think there are many good films these days.

a) So do I.

b) Neither am I.

c) I don't know.

3. Tim is very smart. I think he'll become an excellent lawyer.

a) Oh, I do

b) I think so, too.

c) So do I.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мы живем в большом городе. И мы тоже.

2. Я терпеть не могу гладить. И она тоже.

3. Кто-нибудь любит старые фильмы?

4. На том столе что-то лежит.

5. Он где-то ходит.


Test 13.

I. Make questions for the following answers.

1. Playing football and seeing my friends.

2. About 7.30 a.m.

3. A boyfriend? Yes, his name's Nelson. He's from Brazil.

4. I'm trying to concentrate.

5. Chocolate cake with fresh cream.

6. Madonna, I suppose.

II. Choose the correct alternative in the following sentences.

1. You don't believe / aren't believing him, do you?

2. I only occasionally go / am only occasionally going to the theatre.

3. I probably play / am playing football tonight.

4. I am remembering / remember now everything.

5. John is tired so he has / is having a short sleep.

III. Open the brackets in the following sentences using the correct Present Simple or Present Continuous form of the verbs.

1. Tom usually (play) football but today he (play) tennis.

2. What language they (speak) in Holland? What language he (speak) now.

3. I usually (drive) to my work. Be careful! You (drive) too fast.

4. I (do) a lot of work every day. Don't worry! I know what I (do).

5. You (eat) fruit every day? What's the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure?

IV. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous.

A. right

B. wrong (in "B" case correct the sentence, please).

1. How much is it costing to send a letter to Paris?

2. My parents are never drinking strong coffee.

3. I'm looking for my glasses. Where are they?

4. Tom is in his room. He plays the piano.

5. The play is beginning at half past six.

V. There are some mistakes in punctuation. Find and correct them.

My friend Sarah has a lovely smile and doesn't generally wear much make up she's not very tall but she's quite slim and has got very slender arms and hands. She's got a great sense of humour and when I'm with her I can never stop laughing, she loves wearing clothes from 60-s and has lot's of long dresses with hippy pattern's and bead necklaces to go with. She's also got some silver bracelets which she wears all the time and you always know where she after I've been with her for a little while I always feel great. What a nice friend I have.

VI. Wordsearch

How many names of clothes can you find in the wordsearch? The word may appear in any direction. Can you find 10 words?





































































































VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. У них экскурсия по городу. Они сейчас осматривают достопримечательности Парижа.

2. Кому ты звонишь? Я звоню своему учителю. Он обычно дома в это время.

3. Почему ты всегда говоришь неправда? Я не хочу слушать тебя.

4. Как ты думаешь, что они сейчас делают? Думаю, они гуляют где-то. Они всегда уходят из дома в это время.

5. Мы ожидаем их приезд со дня на день.


Test 14.

I. Write the -ing and -ed forms of the following verbs.

1. lift

2. promise

3. slap

4. wave

5. carry

6. map

7. smile

8. fail

9. file

10. prefer

II. Open the brackets using the correct form of Past Simple or Past Continuous.

1. I (sit) on the bench for half an hour and then (begin) reading a book.

2. I (not understand) what Mr.Green (do).

3. The businessman (fly) to England yesterday.

4. The mouse (hide) while the cat (watch).

5. When it (happen)? It (happen) when you (talk) to your secretary.

III. Rewrite these sentences with used to .

1. My aunt lived in London before she was married.

2. Mr.Black went in for sport before he had that bad accident.

3. I wore long hair when I was younger.

4. When I was younger I played the piano very well.

IV. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with one or two words.

1. They used … have a small house in the country.

2. We … spend time just drinking coffee and talking.

3. I … use to have such long hair.

4. He … never let me do the things that I wanted to.

5. … you use … wear long hair when you were younger?

V. Correct whatever is wrong in the following.

1. He didn't finished his work yesterday.

2. She use to smoke when she was younger.

3. I like drawing. So am I.

4. He is going each morning to the market.

5. Yesterday from 5 till 6 I read a book.

6. Why you not say the truth?

VI. Choose the correct alternative in each sentence.

1. I like him although / in spite of he is often mean with money.

2. Visits to the museum can be a bit boring sometimes as well as / on other hand they are an excellent way to learn about the world.

3. I like him but / although he is a bit selfish.

VII. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мы шли в молчании около 5 минут, затем он заговорил.

2. Где ты был вчера вечером? Я звонила тебе с 5 до 9 вечера.

3. Мы пили чай во дворе, когда начался дождь.

4. Когда мы были друзьями, мы, бывало, приходили сюда каждый выходной.

5. Когда отец пришел с работы, дети делали домашнюю работу.


Test 15.

I. Open the brackets using the correct form of the verbs in Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. When Jill (finish) school?

2. Are you tired? – Yes, a little. I (paint) the ceiling today.

3. We (not / see) Peter this week, but we (see) him a couple of weeks ago.

4. I can't find my umbrella. I think somebody (take) it by mistake.

5. … it (stop) raining yet? No it … .

6. … (see) the latest Arnold Schwarzenegger film?

II. The following sentences contain mistakes with Past Simple and Past Participle form of an irregular verb. Correct the mistakes.

1. My mum and dad buyed me a bicycle. It costed them $ 50.

2. I've writed and story about a boy and a cat. Yesterday I've finished the last chapter.

3. The wind has blowed down all the trees in our street.

4. Our dog has bited me three times.

5. I spended all my pocket money on sweets.

III. Read the text. The text contains different types of mistakes. Correct and label the types of mistakes.

Last week my classmates and I went on a excursion to the toy museum in London. We have left the school at 10 o'clock and reached to the museum at 11 so we have had plenty of time to look around. The section I very much liked was the dolls. There was even one from my country. On the other hand Andress and Mehmet realy liked the model railway. Jeorge and Henry spended most of the time looking at the tin soldiers. We all realy loved the collection of teddy bears. We had lanch in a café and traveled back to school by doble-decker bus. It was very nice trip. After I thinked that childrens all the world over are realy the same.

IV. Use the correct tag.

1. He can play golf well, … ?

a) …, doesn't he?

b) …, can he?

c) …, can't he?

2. You are new secretary, …?

a) …, aren't you?

b) …, are you?

c) … , don't he?

3. Mr. Evans is speaking over the phone, …?

a) …, is he?

b) …, isn't he?

c) …, doesn't you?

4. You like black coffee, …?

a) …, aren’t you?

b) …, don't you?

c) …, do you?

5. I'm busy, …?

a) …, aren't I ?

b) … , don't I ?

c) …, am not I?

6. You aren't well enough. You should stay with either me or your son, …?

a) …, should you?

b) …, shouldn't you?

c) … are you?

7. I'm not ill, …?

a) …, are I ?

b) …, am I ?

8. It's a nice day, …?

a) …, does it?

b) …, is it?

c) …, isn't it?

9. There isn't a cloud in the sky, … ?

a) …, is it?

b) …, does it?

c) …, is there?

10. We haven't got much time, … ?

a) …, do we?

b) …, don't we?

c) …, haven't we?

V. Translate into English using Present Perfect or Past Simple.

1. Ты видела сегодня Боба? Когда ты его выдела?

2. Ты уже отправила письмо? Когда ты отнесла письмо на почту?

3. Ты уже купила ей подарок? Когда ты ходила в магазин?

4. Ты уже ходила в буфет? Когда у тебя был перерыв на обед?

5. Ты уже слушал новости по радио? Когда передавали новости?

6. Ты уже сдал экзамен? Когда ты его сдавал?

VIII. Use the correct tag.

1. Your son didn't help you much, …?

a. … , did he?

b. … , had he?

2. They sent a letter the day before yesterday, … ?

a. … , did they?

b. … , hadn't they?

c. … , didn't they?

3. My Dad hasn't read the newspaper yet, …?

a. …, hasn't he?

b. …, has he?

c. …, did he?

4. There will be nice film on TV tonight, …?

a. …, won't there?

b. …, will it?

c. …, is there?

5. Neither your parents nor mine can lend us some money, …?

a. …, can they?

b. …, can't they?

c. …, do they?

6. He never uses his car except when it's necessary, …?

a. …, doesn't he?

b. …, does he?

c. …, isn't it?

7. There's little point in doing anything about it, …?

a. …, is it?

b. …, isn't there?

c. …, is there?

8. Sam doesn't work hard, …?

a. …, is he?

b. …, does he?

c. …, isn't he?

9. Oh, there are a lot of photos in the album, …?

a. …, aren't they?

b. …, aren't there?

c. …, are there?

10. There was nobody there, …?

a. …, was there?

b. …, wasn't there?

c. …, were there?

11. I'm right, …?

a. …, am I not?

b. …, am I?

c. …, aren't I?


Test 16.

I. Choose the right variant.

1. Perhaps in the future men … on the sea, away from the crowded and noisy cities on land.

a) will live

b) would live

c) are living

2. After the festival's over she … a vacation with her family.

a) will take

b) takes

c) is going to take

d) is taking

3. Dennis has a cold. He … probably stay home in bed today.

a) will

b) is going

c) would

4. – I've got terrible headache. Have you? Wait there and I … (get) an aspirin for you.

a) am going to

b) shall

c) am

II. Decide which form of the verb is correct in these sentences.

1. I can't meet you this evening. A friend of mine is coming / will come to see me.

2. Have you decided where to go for your holidays yet? – Yes, we will go / are going to Italy.

3. I'm very worried about my exam next week. – Don't worry, Tom. You will pass / are going to pass.

4. What will you do / are you doing tomorrow?

III. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

My little brother is afraid … spiders.

Look … this photo! Isn't it nice?

Do you really believe … ghosts?

Dad was tired … hard work in the garden.

I'm not interested … football at all, but I'm keen … tennis.

Young people like to listen … music.

British pubs are famous … they traditional kind of beer called "real ale".

Fresh fruit is good … your health.

My sister is always angry … me when I'm late.

She doesn't agree … me.

IV. Match the sentences from column A with a sentence from column B.


1. It's freezing out there

2. There were these awful gusts

3. It's very humid at the moment

4. There's a gentle breeze coming off the sea

5. The gale have been terrible

6. It's very mild for this time of year

7. Did the storm wake you up last night?

8. Did you know there was a serious earthquake in the capital this morning?


yes, the thunder and lightning was really scary.

they kept blowing my umbrella inside out

It's great because it stops you getting too hot.

lots of trees have been blown over

you must put your scarf and gloves on

we've normally had some snow by now

I know. The government has declared a state of emergency

I just can't stop sweating all the time

V. Put the words in the box in one of the categories below. Some of the words can go in more than one category.

damp freezing humid breeze

drizzle snow chilly cool

gust mild sunny pour boiling

hail shower warm frost

rain wind heat cold wet

VI. Translate into English.

1. Думаю, он никогда не бросит курить

2. Посмотри на небо. собирается дождь.

3. Завтра в 9:00 у меня экзамен по английскому языку.

4. Извини, я буду занят завтра. Завтра в 7 вечера я играю в футбол.

5. На следующей неделе мы уезжаем в Москву.

6. Ты думаешь, он придет? – Я уверен, что он придет.

VII. Fill in the gaps with prepositions.

1. Why do you insist … his going in for sports?

2. Don't laugh … my little sister.

3. Who are you waiting …?

4. John hates cities, but he is content … suburban life.

5. – Does he love her? – He's crazy … her.

6. The teacher isn't satisfied … your answer.

7. We were surprised … the high cost of public transport in London.

8. Are you good … foreign languages?

9. Tom has bee absent … school since Monday.

10. I succeeded … doing this work.


Test 17.

I. Choose the best variant .

1. Are you interested --------- working for him?

a) at b) in c) with d) of

2. I’m not very good ---------- learning languages.

a) in b) of c) from d) at

3. I was afraid ---------- getting burnt.

a) at b) of c) in d) from

4. I felt I was an -------- visitor.

a) unexpecting b) unexpected

5. He felt ---------- when he heard the news.

a) excited b) exciting

6. Do you easily get ---------- ?

a) embarrasing b) embarrassed

7. She made a mistake ---------- she was careless.

a) because b) because of c) as

8. There is no bus ----------- we’ll have to walk.

a) so b) as c) because

II. Make complete sentences by joining one half in Column A with the other half in Column B using an appropriate relative pronoun. If the pronoun can be left out, write it in brackets. Write the complete sentences out.

Example: Mrs.Win-a-lot is the name (that) Mrs.Smallburn’s neighbours call her.

Column A

1. ‘Mrs. Win-a-lot’ is the name*

2. Mrs. Smallburn is one of the rare people *

3. That is the compact disc system

4. There is hardly anything in Mrs. Smallburns house

5. The blue Renault is the fifth car

6. The dog has to eat a brand of pet food

7. The $ 50.000 house is not the one

8. Mrs. Smallburns tries to win the things.

9 . Mrs. Smallburns expects to win between twenty and forty percent of the competition.

Column B

a) Mrs. Smallburn’s neigbours call her. *

b) was a prize.

c) she has won in a competition.

d) she hasn’t won in a competition.

e) Mrs. Smallburns and her family live.

f) earnings are tax-free.

g) she enters.

h) her family needs.

i) he doesn’t like very much.

III . Combine each of these pairs of sentences so that the second becomes a non-defining relative clause. Pay attention to punctuation.

Example: The Bristol Hotel is comfortable and cheap. I stayed there last summer.

The Bristol Hotel, at which I stayed last summer, is comfortable and cheap

. 1. This mousetrap cost me a shilling. I have never caught anything in it.

2. Tom Slater is a farm laborer. I bought this old bicycle from him.

3. My brother won’t lend me any more money. I have often borrowed money from him.

4. These photographs will show you what my village looks like. I took them last summer.

IV. Do the following sentences contain defining or non-defining relative clauses? Mark the sentences D (defining) or N (non-defining). Add commas where necessary.

1. .She lent me a book. I lost the book that she lent me.

2. My uncle who was very shy when he was a child is now a multimillionaire.

3. Several groups played at the festival. The first group who played was Dire Straits.

4. Pink Floyd who wrote the song “ Money’’ live in London.

V. There are mistakes in the following sentences. Find the mistakes and write the sentences out again correctly.

1 .The house where we used to live in was bigger than this one.

2. The single object what I treasure most is an odd coin my grandfather gave me.

3. The woman which I spoke to is his aunt.

4. The salesman who he sold me this T-shirt didn’t tell I couldn’t return it.

VI. Match the following words with a definition below. Write the appropriate letter in the gap. There is one definition which you don’t need to use.

1. terrified a) causing anger or impatience.

3. depressing b) making you feel very sad.

4. nervous c) causing great surprise.

5. cross d) very pleased or satisfied

6. thrilled e) in a state of extreme shock or fear.

7. miserable f) worried about what might happen.

8. astonishing g) uncertain about what to think or do.

h) unhappy, tired and uninterested.

i) angry, bad – tempered.

VII. Look at the letter and find seven mistakes with the form of adjectives.

Write the sentences out again correctly.

Dear Lucy and Tom,

I’m sorry I haven’t replied to your letter sooner, but I’ve been too worried about my exams.

I’ve just heard that I passed everything, so I’m feeling pretty pleasing.

I was thrilling to hear you are planning to come here. My family and I would be delightful to have you both stay .

You asked about interesting places to visit. The mountains are really amazed in spring with all the wild flowers. I went climbing there with some friends last summer, but one of them was terrifying of heights so we had to come home early.

Another good place to visit is the provincial capital. There are lots of fascinated old streets . It’s worth visiting at any time of year, though the summers can be a bit exhausted with the extreme heat.

Well, I had better finish. Write soon.

Love, Ruben

VIII. Complete the passage by using the words and phrases in the list below. Use each item only once.

alternative sources cut down on dramatic increase

exhaust fumes food chain nuclear waste

polluting public transport pesticides

research quality of life traffic jams

rush hour switch to subsidized fares


Our environment is being destroyed but we still have time to do something about it. Every day during the 1 ___ you can see cars stuck in 2 ___sending their 3 ___ up into the atmosphere, 4 ___ our environment. If we had an integrated 5 ___ system with 6 ___ , commuters would be encouraged to leave their cars at home and 7 ___ a more efficient form of transport. It is not only in towns that the 8 ___ is being threatened. Although farmers say they have to spray. 9 ___ on their crops, some experts believe that these chemicals could get into the 10 ___ which will result in a 11 ___ in the number of people affected by cancer and various allergies. More 12 ___ needs to be carried out so that we can 13 ___ the use of harmful chemicals but still produce the food we need.

Potentially the most dangerous threat to the environment is 14 ___ from power stations. Can it really be stored safely? Be developing 15 ___ of energy, such as wind and wave power, we can make out world much safer to live in.


Test 18.

I. Match a word in Column A with a word in Column B. There are two extra words in Column B which you do not need to use.


1. hard – working a) mean

2 . kind b) well- behaved

4 . stubborn d) silly

3 . generous c) lazy

5 . naughty e) tough

6. sensible f) cruel

7. modest g) flexible

h) narrow - minded

i) arrogant

II. What qualities are important for the following? Add two more adjectives to each list and then rank them from 1 to 7.

A successful A successful A successful

TV program lawyer salesperson

interesting hardworking clever

informative clever friendly

useful patient talkative

___ well- read dynamic

___ ___ ___

III . Write questions for the following answers.

1. She’s friendly with a good sense of humour.

2. No, she doesn’t like them at all.

3. Yes, you are right, he really looks like a banker.

4. She is very pretty. She’s tall and dark.

5. Lots of things. Reading, listening to music, playing sport.

IV. Choose the right word, adjective or adverb.

Example: The dinner smells ( good ,well ).

1. Drive ( carefully, careful ).

2. He looked at me ( angry, angrily ) when I interrupted him.

3. Hurry up. You’re always so ( slow, slowly).

4. My mother cooks so ( good, well).

5. You look ( happy, happily). Have you passed the exam?

6. Mr. Ball fascinated me. I think he is ( fascinating, fascinated).

V. Decide whether the underlined words are right or wrong. Correct those which are wrong.

1. I tried hardly to remember his name but I couldn’t.

2. The children . behaved themselves very good.

3. Don’t walk so fas t. Can’t you walk more slowl y ?

4. She is terribl e upset about failing her exam.

5. She was crying silently.

6. You shouldn’t be so lazily.

VI. Choose the correct words in italics.

1. Children should obey his, their parents.

2. Excuse me. Is this my , mine dictionary or your, yours ?

3. There, Their, They’re sitting their, there, they’re waiting for a phone call from their, there, they’re son.

4. We live in the same building. Our, Ours apartment has one bedroom, but their, theirs has two.

5. Adam and Amanda are married. They, Them, They’re live in an apartment building.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Как выглядит сестра твоего друга? – Она довольно высокая и худощавая.

2. Что любят делать друзья твоего брата в свободное время ?

3. Он похож на преступника.

4. Погода сегодня довольно ветреная. Похоже на дождь.

5. Я слышу детские голоса.


Test 19.

I. W hat parts of speech ( nouns, adjectives, or adverbs ) do the suffixes in italics indicate?

1. quickly \ backward

2. employment \ happiness

3. inflation \ socialism

4. famous \ hopeful

5. brownish \

6. useless \ useful

7. teacher \ doctor

8. employee

9. sunny \ windy

II. Make as many words as you can by combining different parts of the box.

Dis dis excite ful

im help ly

un success y

honest able

friend less

like ship

direct ment

happy ness


III. Form an adjective and its antonym (opposite ) with - in or –un.

Adjective Opposite

Attention _______ ______

Attract _____ ______

Necessity _______ ______

Rely _______ ______

Agree ________ ______

IV. Complete the following so that the meaning of each sentence is similar.

1. a ) Ivan is a better tennis player than me.

b) Ivan plays tennis ------ me.

c) I don’t play tennis ------ Ivan does.

2. a) My brother is ------- I am.

b) My brother drives more carefully than me.

c) I don’t drive -------- my brother.

V. Use the word given and other words to complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. You must use between two or five words, including the word given.

1.Britain isn’t as worm as Greece.


Greece -------- Britain.

2. Our boss works harder than anyone else in this firm.


3. I was less interested by the film than I’d expected.


The film ------- I’d expected.

VI. Write sentences that have similar meanings to the sentences below. Use the appropriate words in the box.

Example: My apartment is too small.

It’s not big enough or

It’s not very big.

Big, dirty, exciting, warm, dangerous, interesting, cool, pleasant, cheap , hot, expensive

1. This neighborhood is not clean enough.

2. It’s too cold here in the winter.

3. My house is not very expensive.

4. Central park is not safe at night.

5. The film was boring.

VII. Complete this paragraph using suitable words and phrases from the box. More than one answer is possible.

A lot of, a little, few, not much, plenty hardly any, little plenty of many

Greece is a great place to visit, and there are 1)--- tourist attractions there. However, there are not 2)--- hotel rooms available in the summer , so reservations are important. The weather is usually pleasant, and there is not 3)----- rain in the summer, although there is 4) --- in the winter. There is 5) ---- snow in winter, expect in the north, which is mountainous and often gets snow. If you like swimming, there are 6 )----- beautiful beaches. Greece is a safe place to visit because there is 7) --- crime. Outside Athens, the capital , there is not much pollution because there is 8) --- industry in other parts of the country. Transportations is good and there are 9) --- taxis and buses. There are also 10) ------ large ferries that go to the islands.

VIII. Translate into Russian.

1. Сегодня тест был намного труднее, чем вчера.

2. Он не намного умнее тебя, хотя думает, что он самый умный.

3. Чем больше ты учишь, тем больше ты знаешь.

4. Этот шкаф слишком мал для всех моих книг.

5. Комната недостаточно светлая для работы.


Test 20.

I. Choose the best variant.

1. If the weather _____ tomorrow, it’ll be fine

a) change

b) changed

c) will change

2. If I ______ her better I should turn to her help.

a) know

b) knew

c) will know

3. If she _______ him she would be happy.

a) marries

b) married

c) will marry

4. If he were rich _______ buy a car.

a) shall

b) will

c) would

5 Plants die if you _______ them.

a) won’t

b) don’t want

c) wouldn’t water

6. You look tired. If I _____ you, I ______ a holiday.

a) be d) will take

b) were e) would take

c) have been f) take

7. What a pity my brother is away! If he ______ here he ______ us.

a) were d) will help

b) would be here e) would help

c) is f) helps

8. Hurry up! We _______ good seats if we ______ late.

a) don’t get d) arrived

b) won’t get e) will arrive

c) didn’t get f) arrive

II. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms.

1. If you ( give ) me your address, I shall write you a letter.

2. If she ( not to be ) so absent – minded, she would be a much better student.

3. If he were not such an outstanding actor, he ( not to have ) so many admirers.

4. If you really loved music, you ( go ) to the philharmonic much more often.

5. Your mother (not to scold ) you if you don’t get a ‘‘two.”

6. I should be very glad if he ( come ) to my place.

7. If the sun ( be ) red, it is a sign that we ( have ) a fine day tomorrow.

8. Please stop before you ( get ) into trouble.

9. If things get worse, I (lose ) my job.

III. Look at these answers. What are the questions?

1. If I had 24 hours to spend $ 10 000, I’d buy a first – class ticket for a trip around the world.

2. If someone asked me for a loan, I would say I don’t usually lend money.

3. If everyone had large families, there would be lots of jobs for teaches.

4. If everyone had large families, there could be high unemployment.

IV. Find and correct mistakes.

1. If I will come to the party, will you give me a lift home ?

2. He definitely will pass the exam unless he will do a lot more work!

3. If I see Andre, I tell him what the homework is.

4. If I were him will buy this car.

5. What would you do if you are a magician?

V. Write sentences about yourself:

If I had enough money , _________

I wish __________

If I were my dad ____________

If I had to live somewhere else , _______

VI. Find and correct mistakes.

1. If I had a chance to visit the USA, I’ll go to New York.

2. I had have a couple of days in bed if I were you.

3. Unless he doesn’t come to the party, I’ll be upset.

4. What would you do if you have only one month to live?

5. If I were her I won’t buy this dress.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Я помогу вам , если подождёте несколько минут.

2. Я не уеду, пока мама не выздоровеет.

3. Если только ты не вымоешь посуду, ты не будешь смотреть телевизор.

4. Он бы пошёл с нами, если бы был помоложе.

5. На твоём месте я бы занимался усерднее.

6. Если бы погода была солнечная, мы отправились бы на речку.


Test 21.

I. Choose the correct form: Active or Passive.

1. The children taught \ were taught Italian.

2. This problem will discuss \ will be discussed at the conference.

3. The president interviewed \ was interviewed on French TV.

4. Teachers have given \ have been given a new pay rise.

5. He treats \ is treated the girl very badly.

II. Change these active sentences into the passive.

1 They offered me a cup of coffee.

2. Columbus discovered America in 1492.

3 The waiter will serve you breakfast in five minutes.

4 I shall give you a cup of tea if you want.

5. They closed the shop at five.

III. Put questions to the underlined words.

1. He was given a form to fill in.

2. She was greeted very warmly.

3. My colleague will be sent to London to lecture on Russian history.

4. Two men were arrested after the robbery.

IV. Supply the sentences with by or with.

1. “The Goldrush” was directed ----- Charlie Chaplin.

2. These photos were taken ----- a very cheap camera.

3. I was hit ------- an umbrella.

4. The cake will be made ----- my aunt.

5. The cake was made ------ dried fruit.

6. I was hit ------ an old lady.

V. Make up sentences of your own in the Passive Voice. Give two constructions. Use the following combinations:

1. to offer the girl the leading role;

2. to prescribe a patient some medicine;

3. to teach boys good manners;

4. to give everybody a prize.

5. to show people a funny trick.

VI. Translate into English.

1. На все ваши вопросы ответят после лекции.

2. Ему обещали интересную работу.

3. Нам не разрешат взять книги домой.

4. Мне только что предложили командировку в Сибирь.

5. Ваши работы уже проверены, и результаты будут объявлены завтра.

VII. Open the brackets using the verbs in the correct forms.

1. I should be delighted if I (have such a beautiful fur-coat).

2. If it (rain), we shall have to stay at home.

3. If it isn’t too cold, I (not to put) on my coat.

4. If he reads fifty pages every day, his vocabulary (increase) greatly.

5. If it (snow), the children will play snowballs.

6. If my brother (be) in trouble, I should help him, of course.

7. I (go) and see Venice as soon as I (reach) Italy.

8. If you (leave) school so soon, you (forget) what you have learned.

9. I (stay) with mother if you (go) and (telephone) the doctor.


Test 22.

I. Write requests for the situations:

1. You want a classmate to lend you some money for a cup of coffee. You want someone to tell you how to get to the railway station.

2. You want someone to tell you how to get to the railway station.

3. You want a friend to help you move the furniture.

4. You want your roommate to turn down the radio.

II Write five requests like the ones below using models and if – clauses.

Example : 1) Would you mind if I use your typewriter?

2) I wonder if you’d mind lending me your cassette – player?

3) Could you let me use your car?

III. Put the words in these requests in the correct order.

1. you he ask me can Don would after meet if ?

2. the ask class you starts teacher time what party could the ?

3. Susan ask walkman would my return you to ?

IV. Rewrite these requests using one of the pattern below.

Pattern: Pass me that book. – Can you pass me that book, please?

a) Could you … Would you …

b) Would you mind … I wonder if ….

a) Don’t eat in the classroom.

b) Close the cupboard.

c) Get the cassette – player for me.

d) Take these form to the office.

e) Don’t put your feet on the desk.

V. Choose the best response to these statements.

А ) Would you lend me 50 cents? C) Would you mind helping me?

____ Oh, sure. ____ Sorry, I can’t right now.

____ No, thanks. ____ I forget.

____ No, thanks..

В ) Uh, you’re sitting in my seat. D) Did you remember the money?

____ I’ll close it. _____ Yes, it is.

____ Not right now. _____ No, thanks.

____ Excuse me. I didn’t know. _____ Sorry, I forgot.

VI. Complete the table.

1. Noun Verb

2. Agreement agree

3. Excuse -------

4. --------- arrive

5. decision -------

6. Noun Verb

7. Success ------

------- instruct

8. apology ------

9. ------- choose

VII. Translate into English.

1. Будь добр, выключи радио, пожалуйста.

2. Извините за беспокойство. Вы не могли бы подтолкнуть мою машину?

3. Вы не подскажете, как добраться до вокзала?

4. Пожалуйста, приходите на занятия во время.

5. Простите за беспокойство, вы не подскажете, который час?


Test 23.

I. Supply the correct form in these sentences. Infinitive forms are given in brackets.

Example: If you( go) to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

If you go to England by air, you’ll soon be there.

1. If he ( call ) me, I’ll be glad.

2. If school ( begin ) at seven o’clock, the children would have to get up early.

3. This soup would taste better if it ( have ) more salt in it.

4. If I ( be ) you, I wouldn’t marry her.

5. Would you believe him if you ( be ) me?

6. What would you do if you ( win ) a lot of money?

II. Write sentences with I wish.

Example: I don’t know many people here ( and I’m lonely )

I wish I knew more people here.

1. I’m sorry I didn’t phone him.

I wish I…

2. I haven’t any cigarettes ( and I need one )

I wish I …

3. George isn’t here ( and I need him )

I wish George…

4. I live in London( and I hate London )

I wish….

5. I can’t give up smoking. (but I’d like to )

I wish…

III. The following sentences contain some mistakes. Find and correct them.

1. I wouldn’t go there if I am you.

2. If he don’t call me, I’ll be upset.

3. I really wish I can play the violin.

4. Don’t you wish that we don’t have any homework to do ?

5. If I were you, I won’t buy this dress.

6. Unless you don’t stop talking so loudly, you’ll have to leave the room.

IV. Complete the following sentences in a logical way.

Example: I wish I …I can play the piano.

I wish I could play the piano.

1. I wish I…. . I’m just so lonely at the moment.

2. I wish he … . It’s so annoying.

3 If only I … , I wouldn’t have to go on foot to work.

4. If I were you …

5. If only we … , then we could come and visit you more often.

6. If he … I would marry him.

V. Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.

Example: - A forger sets fire to buildings.

- No, an arsonist sets fire to buildings. A forger makes copies of things in order to deceive people.

1. A mugger threatens to make secrets known to the public.

2. A shoplifter steals things from people’s pockets, especially in a crowd.

3 A hijacker takes goods or people from one country to another illegally.

4.A jury questions the witnesses.

5.A judge pleads guilty or not guilty at the beginning of a trial.

6. You normally get a jail sentence if you are caught driving too fast on the motorway.

7. He was put on probation until the case could be heard.

VI. Choose the best alternative to fill the gaps in the following sentences.

1. The judge gave him a suspended

a) punishment b) sentence

2. The police have …. A woman in connection with last Tuesday’s robbery.

a) arrested b) accused

3. He…. His father’s signature on $ 50 000 worth of cheques

a) forged b) smuggled

4. The police think an (a) …. lit the fire.

a) arsonist b) forger

5. The … said she was sure he was the man she had seen running away from the bank.

a) witness b) judge

6. The … had a knife so she gave him her bag.

a) smuggler b) mugger

VII. Translate into English.

1 . Как жаль, что погода сегодня ветреная. Мы бы пошли на речку, если бы было теплее.

2 . На твоём месте я бы не пропускал занятия.

3. Жаль, что я не умею говорить по- английски так бегло.

4. Жаль, что у меня нет такого таланта, как у тебя.

5. Будь у меня много денег, я бы поехал с тобой.

6. Что бы ты делал на моём месте ?


Test 24.

I. Use the Present Perfect Continuous Tense.

1. How long ____ the children _____ ( play ) ?

2. He ____ experiments for a year. ( make )

3. He says he ____ for a long time without achieving good results.( work )

4. I ____ ( know ) them for all my life.

5. He is tired. He ____ all day. ( dig )

II. Read the sentences and add a sentence with the Present Perfect Continuous.

1. We are tired. ( we / work / hard ).

2. John’s clothes are dirty. ( he / clean / his car ).

3. My sweater is threadbare.( I / wear / it / for a few years).

4. Ann’s hands are in ink. ( she / write / letters )

5. Marry is slim. (She / keep to a diet).

III. Use Present Perfect or Present Perfect Continuous.

1. They ____ young trees in the park since morning. (plant)

2. Mary is still in the kitchen. She ____ it all morning. ( clean )

3. I ____ a lot of material for my paper ( collect ), so I’m ready to write it.

4. Our parents ____ the fir- tree all evening (decorate ). They are still in the drawing- room.

5. He ____ the tape-recorder ( repair) and has just begun to use it.

IV. Use Present Perfect, Present Simple, Present Perfect Continuous or Past Simple.

1. I ____ ( be ) in this school for two years now.

2. We ____ ( visit ) her whenever we can.

3. I ____ ( lift ) heavy boxes all morning and now I need a rest.

4. That man ____ ( watch ) us for the last twenty minutes.

5. I ____ ( know ) them since I was a child.

6. He _____ ( play ) regularly for many years when he was younger.

V. Write questions with how long ?

Pattern: Jim learning Chinese.

How long has he been learning Chinese?

1. My sister is married. How long _____

2. Patrick is on holiday. How long _____

3. I live in Glasgow. How long _____

4. Jack smokes. How long _____

5. Mr..Louis has a car. How long _____

VI. Correct the sentences which are wrong.

1. He wears a beard for 5 years.

2. How long do you know Peter?

3. It has been snowing for 3 days.

4. She has written ten letters for a week.

5. He studies English since she was five.

6. I am waiting for her for an hour.

7. We are friends since childhood.

8. I always lived in London.

9. He have had this car for two years.

10. They have been having problems with their children lately.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Погода ужасная. Целую неделю идут дожди. Очень сыро и холодно.

2. Я так рада, что мы наконец закончили эту работу.

3. Она опытная няня. Она работает в этой больнице уже 15 лет.

4. Они женаты уже 20 лет.

5. Сколько времени вы ждёте такси?

6. Я работаю на эту газету всю свою жизнь.


Test 25.

I. Choose the correct modal verbs.

1. I… get up early on Mondays.

a. am able c. must

b. have to d. may

2. The policeman told the woman she …worry.

a. needn’t worry c. couldn’t

b. didn’t have to d. mustn’t

3. … you mind passing me the salt?

a. will c. could

b. should d. would

4. My dentist says I … eat so many sweets.

a. needn’t c. mustn’t

b. ought not d. shouldn’t

5. To my mind, the government … take care of old people.

a. is able c. must

b. need to d. may

II. Choose the correct alternative in the following sentences

1. She could / was able play the piano very well when she was your age.

2. Could / may you open the window a little?

3. She said she must / had go to the supermarket.

4. How wonderful! Tomorrow’s Saturday and we mustn’t / don’t have to get up at 6.30.

5. You must / have to get a good night sleep before the exam.

III. Rewrite the following sentences using can , could , may or might.

1. You are not allowed to smoke here.

2. He didn’t know how to spell ‘ continue’

3. Am I allowed to smoke here?

4. Do you know how to play baseball?

5. It’s not possible that they are still on holiday.

6. It is possible that we’ll have a good weather tomorrow.

IV. Find the mistakes in the following sentences and write them out again correctly.

1. That shouldn’t be the postman. He never comes so early.

2. I might not to come to class on Wednesday. I’ve got to go to the dentist.

3. Could you riding a bicycle when you were seven?

4. I don’t think we should buy him a shirt. He could not like the colour.

5. You can to take a raincoat. It might rained.

V . Use the necessary modal verbs .

1. I ask you a question?- You certainly … .

2. I wonder if we take off our shoes here?

3. You always observe traffic rules on the road.

4. I do anything for you?

5. we meet them at the airport? No, you not.

6. You not take so much sugar in your tea.

7. You take all these tablets if you want to get well.

8. Schoolchildren not wear a uniform now.

9. You phone her at her office. She be still working.

10. You be more attentive next time.

VI. Choose the correct alternative .

1. Look, Nick, could you lend / borrow me $10?

2. Are you expecting / waiting anybody to dinner?

3. His wife was murdered / killed in a road accident.

4. You were late today. Did anybody note/ notice?

5. We must accept/ receive their offer.

6. Next Sunday we are accepting / receiving guests.

7. Who told / said you that?

8. Never say / tell so again.

9. Why? If it isn’t Bob? I can’t trust / believe my eyes.

10. Do you believe / trust Martin?

VII . Translate into English .

1.Ты не должен ехать так быстро, если не хочешь попасть в аварию. 2 Завтра мне надо рано встать. 3. Здесь курить не разрешается. 4. Возможно вы правы. 5. Не следует пить так много кофе. 6. Мне нужно тебе помочь? – Нет, спасибо, я всё сделаю сам.


Test 26.

I. Use much, many, few or little.

1. Is there so ____ salt left?

2. There is ____ milk in the fridge but there is very ____ sour cream there.

3. He couldn’t think ____ policemen have arrived.

4. I’m delighted. Tom has made very ____ mistakes in the test.

5. Three biscuits are not many, they are ____ .

6. Have you got ____ money?

7. Do you really need so ____ sugar?

8. They didn’t have ____ luck this season.

II. Use some, any, or no.

1. Would you like ____ ice–cream, please?

____ more, thank you. I’ve had ____ .

2. If ____ difficulties arise, let me know.

3. He told us ____ strange story.

4. Have you got ____ good friends?

5. I take ____ sugar with my tea, sugar fattens me.

III. Use is or are.

1. My pair of jeans ____ torn.

2. Where ____ the money?

3. My sister’s eyes ____ dark and her hair ____ fair.

4. Whose clothes ____ these?

5. The police here ____ helpful.

IV. Choose one alternative in the following sentences which is not possible.

1. Would you like some / a little / a few more chicken?

2. Can I have another piece / lump / bit of that delicious chocolate?

3. Many / few /much local people came to the meeting.

4. I would like some / a bit of / a few information about your courses.

5. How many lumps / teaspoons / slices of sugar do you usually have in your cup?

6. I had some / a bit / a good news the other day.

7. I don’t usually have much / many / a great deal of spare time during the week.

V. Fill in the blanks in the following sentences with an appropriate word from the box. In some of the sentences more than one word is possible.

Some much many little bit lots lot few deal piece sheet lump slice

1. He’s got ____ of friends.

2. There are just too ____ cars on the roads these days.

3. Could you cut me another ____ of bread, please?

4. We’ve been to Italy ____ of times.

5. That’s an interesting ____ of news.

6. He only has a ____ sugar in his tea.

7. Could you lend me a ____ of paper?

8. Oh, no! A ____ of coal has fallen on the carpet!

9. We’ve been having ____ awful weather recently.

10. We spent a ____ days with my mother in Spain.

11. There were a ____ of people at the party last night.

12. Would you like another ____ of cake?

13. Let me give you ____ good advice.

14. We wasted a great ____ of time looking for you.

15. I’m afraid I haven’t got ____ time.

VI. Read the following text. Some of its lines are correct, and some contain an extra incorrect word. Circle the word which shouldn’t be there. If a line is correct, put a tick (v) at the end of the line.

Why don’t we eat what we should?

1. According to the World Health Organization almost half our diet

2. should to consist of starchy food such as potatoes, pasta and

3. rice and we should eat five portions of a fresh fruit and

4. vegetables every day. Unfortunately, it will to take a long time

5. for the British diet to approach this ideal. People know what

6. they should eat, but they are not quite so good at when it comes

7. to going to the supermarket to buy food. In fact people usually

8. prefer to eating what they want rather than eating what they are

9. told. Perhaps this is why did the proportion of people

10. considered ‘obese’ or fat doubled between 1990 and 2000.

VII. translate into English.

1. Вам не надо сдавать сочинения сегодня. Вы можете сдать их завтра.

2. Завтра нам не придётся рано вставать. Мы не встаём рано по воскресеньям.

3. Может быть он на работе.

4. Мама была очень больна и мне пришлось вести сестру в школу.

5. Нам не разрешают разговаривать на уроках.

6. Не следует говорить с ней грубо.


Test 27.

I. Turn the following into Reported Speech.

  1. My friend says, ”I study two foreign languages.”
  2. Mother says, “It’s too late to go out”
  3. The policeman says, “Don’t cross the street under the red light, children.”
  4. Jack says, “Stay where you are, Mary.”
  5. “It is your garden now, little children,” said the Giant.
  6. “I’m glad that you are going to Egypt at last, little Swallow.” Said the Prince.
  7. You don’t understand me, Harry,” answered the artist.
  8. “I can do this, “ he said.
  9. The inspector said, “I’ve heard of such cases often enough.”
  10. “I’ll never forget you, “ he said.

II. Put the following questions into Reported Speech.

1. “Is it the story about me?” he said.

2. “Is Oliver coming down at all today?” she asked me.

3. He asked, “Are you taking politics seriously?”

4. “Do you want to be a lawyer or not?” asked the teacher.

5. “Do you know many of the people round here?” asked the niece.

III. Complete the sentences using the words in bold.

1. “Are you having problems, Stuart?”

asked I ------------ having problems.

2. “I won’t eat my vegetables!”

refused She ----------- vegetables.

3. “What are they going to do?”

know I wanted ---------- going to do.

4. “Don’t make such a fuss, John!”

not Ruth told ----------- such a fuss.

5. “Why don’t you try to find another job?”

look She advised Arnold --------- another job.

IV. Put the following statements into Direct Speech.

1. She said that they were Polish ladies of very good family.

2. Mr. Otis and his wife assured her that they were not afraid of ghosts.

3. The girl asked her friend if she was going to the party at the Smiths’.

4. She asked her son if Betty worked in the city.

5. Olaf asked Bob if he enjoyed flying.

6. She told them that she had never been to London.

7. The boy said that he hadn’t eaten anything that day.

8. She said that she would dance with me if I brought her a red rose.

V. Complete the sentences.

1. She offered … .

2. The teacher suggested … .

3. The doctor advised … .

4. He refused … .

5. I recommended … .

VI. Put the following into Reported Speech.

One evening the bat said, “there is a baby in the cave. He is new and pink and fat and small, and the woman is very fond of him. The cat said, “What is the baby fond of? ”The bat said, ”He is fond of things that are soft and warm. The cat said, “Than my time has come.”

VII. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Она сказала, что проведёт там пять дней.

2. Она спросила, буду ли я сдавать экзамены по английскому языку в конце года.

3. Он сказал, что никогда там не был.

4. Мама сказала, что сегодня она была очень занята.

5. Он сказал, что может одолжить мне книгу на несколько дней.

6. Я предложил обсудить ситуацию немедленно.


Test 28.

I. Chose the correct alternative.

1. Is there anything in that new magazines worth ____ ?

A to read B reading

2. I really must stop ____ .

A to smoke B smoking

3. You should remember ____ him. He’ll be at home.

A to phone B phoning

4. Do you enjoy ____ ?

A to teach B teaching

5. The teacher asked us some questions and went on ____ us about the climate of England.

A to tell B telling

6. My elder brother went to college, and I hope ____ there too.

A to go B going

1. Avoid ____ and you ‘ll feel better soon.

A to overeat B overeating

2. The Brains want ____ Boston this week.

A to leave for B leaving

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

Pattern: Mr. Brown doesn’t allow smoking… ( smoke) in the office.

1. Mr. Tomas doesn’t let anyone ----------- ( smoke ) in his office.

2. I don’t know Jack but I’d like --------- ( meet ) him.

3. Where would you recommend me --------- ( go ) for my holidays?

4. The film was very sad. It made me -------- ( cry ).

5. We were kept at the police station for an hour and then allowed ------- ( go).

6. Jack’s parents have always encouraged him ---------- ( study ) hard.

7. I don’t recommend -------- ( eat ) in that restaurant. The food’s awful.

8. If you want to pass your exams, you need ------- ( study ) more.

9. Those shirts need --------- ( iron ) but you don’t need -------- ( do ) it now.

10. The fine weather helped --------- ( make ) it a very enjoyable holiday.

III. Put the verbs in brackets into the -ing form or the infinitive.

Kim: I’ll never forget 1) … going … ( go ) to America for the first time. I was incredibly excited although I was trying 2) ____ ( act ) cool and casual.

Tom: I know. I remember 3) ____ ( be ) quite envious because I wanted 4) ____ (go) there too.

Kim: Yes, I know. I was a bit over the top, wasn’t I? I’m sorry for 5) ____ (behave) so badly.

Tom: Yes, you were! You just went on 6) _____ ( talk ) about America constantly. It was quite funny though when I think back. You hardly let me 7) ____ ( say ) a word.

Kim: I’m sorry, but you know that in my excitement I nearly left a lot of things behind like my camera and my money.

Tom: How did you feel when you first arrived there?

Kim: I remember 9) ____ (worry) about what to do and where to go. I wanted 10) _____ ( see ) everything but I didn’t know where 11 ) _____ ( begin ).

IV. Write the correct preposition and put the verb into the correct form

Pattern: Jack insisted …on going … out himself ( go ).

  1. After a long time we eventually succeeded ____ a flat. (find )
  2. I’ve been thinking ____ for a new job. ( look )
  3. We have decided ____ a new car. (buy)
  4. She apologized ____ so rude to me. ( be )
  5. Have you ever been accused ____ a crime?( commit )
  6. His parents didn’t approve him ____ out so late. ( stay )
V. Complete the sentences with an appropriate form of the verb in brackets.

1. I remember ____ ( dream ) about a train journey.

2. I will never forget ____ ( meet ) her for the first time.

3. I’ve stopped ____ ( have ) dreams about aeroplanes.

4. I stopped ____ ( pick ) up pencil and paper on my way to bed.

5. What do you mean ____ ( do ) with all that money?

VI. Look at the following sentences and decide which are grammatically correct. Correct those which you think are wrong.

1. He decided planning his first break after the exam.

2. Simon admitted cheating at the exam.

3. He wants speaking with you.

4. I was sorry hearing about you failing the exam.

5. He promised to work at night.

6. Would you mind to close the window?

7. She offered to give him a lift to the airport.

8. It’s no use to speak in such a loud voice. He’s deaf.

9. He’s too young having his own car.

10. She succeeded in finding a good job.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Мы с нетерпением ждали встречи с английским актёром.

2. Он одобряет проведение свободного времени на воздухе.

3. Вам будет интересно обсудить эту книгу.

4. У доктора не было времени, чтобы поговорить с пациентом.

5. Не стоит ходить туда так поздно.


Test 29.

I. Choose the correct alternative.

1. I ( talk ) over the phone when they brought me the letter.

A. talked C had been talking

B. had talked D was talking

2. I ( stay ) at the hotel for a fortnight when I received your letter.

A. stayed C had been staying

B. had stayed D was staying

3. I visited Brazil in April. I ( stay ) at a nice hotel for a fortnight.

A. stayed C. was staying

B. had stayed D. had been staying

4. A man ( be ) unconscious for a few minutes when an ambulance arrived.

A. was

B. had been

C. had being

5. First I ( answer) the telephone, and then I read your letter .

A. answered C. had answered

B. was answering D. had been answering

6. I hardly ( finish ) speaking with a porter when the phone rang again.

A. finished C. was finishing

B. had hardly finished D. had been finishing

II. Underline the corrct form.

1. He ran / had run out of the room as soon as we walked in.

2. He couldn’t play because he had injured / injured his leg.

3. She wasn’t there when I had looked / looked .

4. The house has been / had been empty for several months when I bought it.

5. He left because he had finished / finished the work.

III. Fill each blank with one of these verbs in an appropriate tense

go, introduce, learn, teach, play, study, win, start, do

When Gata was 18 months old, his father was teaching him how to ride a bicycle. He ____ a) Gata how to read before his second birthday. “I was trying to develop his brains”, he says. Gata ____ b) to play cards by the time he was three and he ____ c) the piano at four. Gata ____ not ____ d) to school from the age of five to eight. He ____ e) at home with his father who ____ f) Gata to play chess when he was eight. He ____ g) beating adults when he was nine. When he was twelve he ____ h) the under – 20 competition for the whole of Russia. Only one person ____ i) that before: Kasparov.

IV. Use a suitable expression to complete these sentences so that they are for you and your family.

1. By the age of eight I had _____ .

2. My father hadn’t _____ by the time he was twenty five.

3. My family had never ____ before we went to ____ .

4. I had learned ____ by the age of ____ .

5. I hadn’t been ____ before ____ .

V. Complete these sentences with either the past perfect or the past perfect continuous. Use the form that is more appropriate in each case

1. When he couldn’t answer her simple question, the teacher realized that he ____ (not pay) attention during the lesson.

2. He ____ ( paint ) all the rooms by lunch time.

3. It ____ ( rain ), and the streets were still wet.

4. They ____ ( talk ) for hours before they realized what time it was.

5. She ____ ( not finish ) her project by the deadline.

6. It became very dark and the children ____ ( speak ) in low voices for the last ten minutes.

7. I was tired. I ____ ( work ) all day long .

8. He ____ ( studied ) the problem for a few years before he could solve it.

VI. Write the correct preposition and put the verb into the correct form.

Pattern: Jack insisted … on going … out by himself. ( go )

1. I wonder what prevented him ____ ( come ) to the party.

2. I’m getting hungry. I’m looking forward ____ ( have ) dinner.

3. Forgive me ____ ( interrupt) you but I must ask you a question.

4. Have you ever thought ____ ( get ) married?

5. I’ve always dreamed ____ ( live ) on a small island in the Pacific .

6. The arrested man was suspected ____ ( commit ) a crime.

VII. Translate into English.

1. Мы шли по дороге уже час, когда , остановилась машина и водитель предложил подвести нас.

2. Они играли в футбол с утра, когда начался сильный дождь.

3. Когда отец пришёл домой, мы уже спали.

4. Когда я встретил его, он выглядел очень уставшим. Он работал весь день.

5. Она была удивлена: она ещё никогда не видела столько цветов.

6. Моя сестра была больна уже несколько дней, когда я узнал об этом.


Test 30.

I. Choose the correct item.

1. He is a taxi driver, so he is accustomed to ____

A drive C have driven

B be driven D driving

2. My doctor recommended me ____ a week off to recover from my illness.

A takes C take

B to take D took

3. He bought a(n) ____ cottage in the country.

A stone, old, small C old, small, stone

B small, old, stone D stone, small, old

4. I’ve never heard such a loud voice ____ his.

A than D to

B as C rather than

5. Jane finished her maths homework and went on ____ her English essay.

A doing D to do

B to be done from C do

6. She is looking for a ____ suit.

A blue, dark, smart C smart, dark, blue

B blue, smart, dark D dark, smart, blue

7. I’d be grateful if you’d ____ me the secret of making perfect pastry.

A say C speak

B talk D tell

8. I won’t telephone you ____ I know for sure.

A by the time C when

B until D by

8. Even if I ____ all night, I still wouldn’t be properly prepared for tomorrow.

A will study C have studied

B would study D studied

9. She wouldn’t forgive him ____ all his apologies.

A even though C despite

B in spite D although

10. He has a nap every day, ____ ?

A hasn’t he C doesn’t he

B didn’t he D isn’t he

11. He spent a month in ____ hospital after his accident.

A the C an

B - D any

12. Smoking ____ harm to your health.

A makes C happens

B does D occurs

13. Do they sell ____ clothes here?

A childrens’ C children’s

B childrens D childrens’s

14. Hardly ____ students passed the test.

A some C every

B any D no

15. Take your raincoat. ____ looks as if it’s going to rain.

A Else C There

B It D Here

II. Using the word given complete the sentence so that the second sentence has a similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. Smoking on trains is not allowed.

mustn’t You ____ on trains.

2. Shall we go to the party tonight?

about What ____ the party tonight?

3. She regrets leaving her job.

wishes She ____ her job.

4. You ought to go to bed.

time It ____ to bed.

5. I advise you to take more exercise.

should You ____ exercise.

6. Uncle Bert gave Jane a dog for her birthday.

given Jane ____ for her birthday.

7. Fruit isn’t as fattening as cheese.

more Cheese ____ fruit.

8. I didn’t lose weight, so my new swimsuit still doesn’t fit.

wish I ____ so that my new swimsuit would fit.

9. I met a man; he’s the owner of Pueblo Restaurant.

who The man ____ is the owner of Pueblo Restaurant.

10. Jim is a better storyteller than Alan.

well Alan doesn’t ____ as Jim.

III. Fill in the correct prepositions or particles.

1. A snob always looks ____ people who have little money.

2. Please keep ____ the grass.

3. John gets ____ well with his colleagues. Everybody likes him.

4. I’ve run ____ sugar. Please get me some.

5. Actors have to learn their lines ____ heart.

6. Is Nurse Smith ____ duty tonight?

7. After his jog, he was ____ breath.

8. ____ astonishment, I won $1,000 .

9. She takes ____ her mother; she’s got her eyes.

10. Jo always stands ____ me when I need her.

IV. Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

  1. Emma is one of the nicest people I know.
  2. I got a huge electric bill which I couldn’t pay it.
  3. The robber told everyone person to lie on the floor.
  4. Both of Sue and Jenny love swimming.
  5. They couldn’t afford themselves a holiday.
  6. Many of people believe he is a liar.
  7. Flying is much more safer than driving.
  8. Passengers who are delayed will be offered free of meals.
  9. It’s a fine day today so that we’ll go swimming.
  10. Exercise makes you to feel good but it can also harm you.
  11. I enjoy going to shopping.
  12. His latest novel, which is 500 pages long, it is the best-seller.
  13. John is at the work.
  14. He works hard so that as to be promoted.
  15. Despite of her severe disability, she fulfilled her goals in life.

V. Fill in the spaces with the form of the words in brackets.

  1. Spain is ____ for its beaches. ( fame )
  2. A teacher should be ____ with his students ( patience )
  3. He’s in Africa now. He ‘s always had an ____ spirit. (adventure )
  4. You are never too old to go to college and gain some ____ ( qualify )
  5. My history teacher has a vast ____ of past events. ( know )
  6. My greatest ____ was graduating from university. ( achieve )
  7. It is ____ , when going on a long trip, to plan well in advance. (necessity )
  8. That shop has a ____ of sweets to choose from. ( various )
  9. Reading a newspaper is an ____ way of keeping informed. ( effect )
  10. The weatherman said there is a strong ____ of rain today.( possible )

VI. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tense.

A. Gordon Jones lives and works in Greenland. He wishes he 1) ____ ( live ) somewhere warmer though. If he 2) ____ ( work ) in Portugal, for example, he wouldn’t have to wear such warm clothes all the time. “I wish I 3) ____ (take ) that job in Portugal ,”he says.” It didn’t pay so well, but at least I could have enjoyed the sunshine. I 4) ____ ( never / get ) a suntan in this country. I wish I 5) ____ ( think ) about it more carefully at the time”.

B. Mr. McDermott 1) ____ ( work ) as a doctor. When he first 2) ____ ( begin ) his career in 1990, he 3) --------- ( just / leave ) medical school. He 4) ____ ( open ) his own doctor’s surgery in 1992 and since then he 5) ____ ( work ) as a doctor. He 6) ____ ( enjoy ) his job and , at the moment, he 7) ____ ( teach ) young medical students in his spare time. He hopes that in the future he 8) ____ ( continue ) to help sick people and his fellow physicians.


Test 31.

I. Choose the best word a, b, or c to complete the sentences.